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Science and Research: Research Projects (Selection) :: Dr. Claus-Peter Rückemann

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Information Science and Intelligent High End Computing Systems

ARUM - Adaptive Production Management

Project: ARUM - Adaptive Production Management

ARUM Banner ARUM Banner
Start: [no details]
Institution: (EU-Project)
Planning: [longterm]
Partners: Industry and Academia:
  EADS, Innovation Works, Germany
  Airbus Operations GmbH, Germany
  CERTICON, Czech Republic
  Iacobucci / Modular Galley Systems AG, Italy, Germany
  Tie Nederland B.V, The Netherlands
  Smart Solutions, Russia
  Almende B.V., The Netherlands
  Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  P3 ingénieurs S.A.S., France
  University of Manchester, UK
  Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
  Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, NTUA, Greece
  Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
  University of Hagen, Germany
  ARUM Newsletter, First Issue, October 2013
  ARUM Newsletter, Second Issue, September 2014
  ARUM Newsletter, Third Issue, June 2015

  • Journal Papers:
    • Udo Inden, Sergej Naimark, Claus-Peter Rückemann, Towards a Discretion-to-Act Control Architecture by Decoupling Modelling from Complexity, TMC Academic Journal, 7(2):15-38, ISSN: 1793-0620, April 2013, Singapore.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Udo Inden, Despina T. Meridou, Maria-Eleftheria Ch. Papadopoulou, Angelos-Christos G. Anadiotis, Iakovos S. Venieris, Claus-Peter Rückemann, Aspects of Modelling and Processing Complex Networks of Operations' Risk, International Journal on Advances in Software, 7(3&4):501-525, ISSN: 1942-2628, December 2014, USA.
      (Bibliographic data)
  • Conference Papers:
    • Paulo Leitão, Udo Inden, and Claus-Peter Rückemann, Parallelising Multi-agent Systems for High Performance Computing, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation (INFOCOMP 2013), ISBN: 978-1-61208-310-0, ISBN: 978-1-61208-037-6 (CDROM), November 17-22, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal.
      (Best Paper Award)
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Udo Inden, Despina T. Meridou, Maria-Eleftheria Ch. Papadopoulou, Angelos-Christos G. Anadiotis, Claus-Peter Rückemann, Complex Landscapes of Risk in Operations Systems: Aspects of Modelling and Processing, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation (INFOCOMP 2013), ISBN: 978-1-61208-310-0, ISBN: 978-1-61208-037-6 (CDROM), November 17-22, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Despina T. Meridou, Udo Inden, Claus-Peter Rückemann, Charalampos Z. Patrikakis, Dimitra-Theodora I. Kaklamani, and Iakovos S. Venieris, Ontology-based, Multi-agent Support of Production Management, The Fifth Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), Proceedings of the American Institute of Physics (AIP), AIP Conference Proceedings TODO, ISBN-13: 978-0-7354-1392-4, ISSN: 0094-243X, September 23-29, 2015, Rhodes, Greece.
      (Bibliographic data)
  • Expert Panels:
    • Rückemann, C.-P. (editor), Exa-Intelligence: Next Generations of Intelligent Multi-Agent and High End Computing Systems in Development and Practice, The Third International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation (INFOCOMP 2013), November 17-22, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal, 2013. 51 Seiten, Contributors: Paulo Leitão, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Bragança, Portugal; Udo Inden, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany; Claus-Peter Rückemann, Leibniz Universität Hannover / Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU) / North-German Supercomputing Alliance (HLRN), Germany; Andy Georgi, Technische Universität Dresden, Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH), Germany; Yenumula B. Reddy, Department of Computer Science, Grambling State University, USA; Wassim Abu Abed, Institute for Computational Modeling in Civil Engineering, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany.
      (International Expert Panel).
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., High End Computing and Advanced Scientific Supercomputing: Sustainability, Challenges, and Prospects with Management and Research. International Expert Panel on Exa-Intelligence: Next Generations of Intelligent Multi-Agent and High End Computing Systems in Development and Practice, November 18, 2013, The Third International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation (INFOCOMP 2013), November 17-22, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal.
      (International Expert Panel).
      (Bibliographic data)

Information Science: Knowledge Mining, Machine Learning, Autonomous and Intelligent Systems

Long-term Initiative on Algorithm and Methodology Research

Project: Long-term Initiative on Algorithm and Methodology Research

Start: 1988
Planning: [longterm]
Partners: Industry and Academia
Description: The Long-term Initiative on Algorithm and Methodology Research,
  cares for all aspects of algorithms and methodologies.
  Foci are scientific fundaments and advanced applications.
Keywords: Algorithms; Methodologies; scientific fundaments;
  Holistic Context; Advanced Applications; Education;
  Development; Documentation; Implementation; Dissemination.
Publications: List of Publications and Lectures
Selected Publ.:  

  • Papers and Presentations:
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Computation and Knowledge Mapping for Data Entities, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Progressive Advancement of Knowledge Resources and Mining: Integrating Content Factor and Comparative Analysis Methods for Dynamical Classification and Concordances, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Methodology of Knowledge Mapping for Arbitrary Objects and Entities: Knowledge Mining and Spatial Representations - Objects in Multi-dimensional Context, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Methodologies and Data: Methodology of Knowledge Mapping for Arbitrary Objects and Entities: Knowledge Mining and Spatial Representations - Objects in Multi-dimensional Context, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Methodology and Integrated Knowledge for Complex Knowledge Mining: Natural Sciences and Archaeology Case Study Results, 2017.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Integration of Knowledge Resources and Advanced Association Processing for Geosciences and Archaeology, 2016.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Advanced Association Processing and Computation Facilities for Geoscientific and Archaeological Knowledge Resources Components, 2016.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Hülsmann, F. and C.-P. Rückemann, Summary on Algorithms and Workflows, 2014.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Advanced Scientific Computing and Multi-Disciplinary Documentation for Geosciences and Archaeology Information, 2014.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Prehistory, History, and Archaeology of the Cote d'Azur, Archaeological Museum and Arena, Cimiez, Cote d'Azur, French Riviera, France, 2013.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Sustainable Knowledge Resources Supporting Scientific Supercomputing for Archaeological and Geoscientific Information Systems, 2013.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Enabling Dynamical Use of Integrated Systems and Scientific Supercomputing Resources for Archaeological Information Systems, 2012.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Application and High Performant Computation of Fresnel Sections, Halkidiki, Greece, 1992.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Geographic Grid-Computing and HPC empowering Dynamical Visualisation for Geoscientific Information Systems, Leipzig, Germany, 2007.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Phonetische Algorithmen zu komparativen Zwecken am Beispiel des phonetischen Komparators für Informationssysteme, 2002.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Beitrag zur Realisierung portabler Komponenten für Geoinformationssysteme. Ein Konzept zur ereignisgesteuerten und dynamischen Visualisierung und Aufbereitung geowissenschaftlicher Daten, Dissertation, Münster, Germany, 2001.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Geoevent - Introducing and using the geolog Option for the Vectaport viewers (utmviewer, dlgviewer, vpfviewer) for handling a simple database of coordinates and event relations, 1999.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Computing and Processing Algorithms, Vectorisation, and Parallelisation, 1996.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Anwendung verschiedener Stapelmethoden auf gering überdeckende reflexionsseismische Daten aus der Heimefrontfjella, Antarktis, Diplomarbeit, Münster, Germany, 1994.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Physikalische Methoden zur Erforschung oberflächennaher Strukturen im Erdboden: Geophysik, Archäologie, Glaziologie, Geologie, Mai 1993, geotechnica, 5.-8. Mai 1993, Köln, Deutschland, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongreß für Geowissenschaften und Geotechnik, THOR Geophysikalische Prospektion GmbH, Kiel, Deutschland, 1993.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Processing Scientific Data on High Performance Computing Resources, Ravenna, Italy, 1989.
      (Bibliographic data)

Information Science: Knowledge Resources and Cognostics

Project: Knowledge Resources and Cognostics

Start: 2011
Institution: uDIMF
Planning: [longterm]
Partners: Industry and Academia
Description: Creation and integration of resources and cognostic application components.
Publications: List of Publications and Lectures

Association Processing and Computation

Project: Association Processing and Computation

Start: 2013
Institution: uDIMF
Planning: [longterm]
Partners: Industry and Academia
Publications: List of Publications and Lectures

Content Factor Methodology

Project: Content Factor Methodology

Start: 2014
Institution: uDIMF
Planning: [longterm]
Partners: Industry and Academia
Description: Advanced Methodology for content description and relevance analysis.
Publications: List of Publications and Lectures

Advanced Methododology Integration

Project: Advanced Methododology Integration

Start: 2016
Institution: uDIMF
Planning: [longterm]
Partners: Industry and Academia
Description: Integration of advanced methodologies for knowledge mining.
Publications: List of Publications and Lectures

Advanced Data Sciences and Mining Methods

Project: Advanced Data Sciences and Mining Methods

Start: 2017
Institution: uDIMF
Planning: [longterm]
Partners: Industry and Academia
Description: Contributions of new methodologies for long-term knowledge and data.
Publications: List of Publications and Lectures

Knowledge Mapping and Associative Context

Project: Knowledge Mapping and Associative Context

Start: 2017
Institution: uDIMF
Planning: [no details]
Partners: Industry and Academia
Description: Knowledge mapping implementation and context resources.
Publications: List of Publications and Lectures

Knowledge Mapping and Spatial Referencing

Project: Knowledge Mapping and Spatial Referencing

Start: 2017
Institution: uDIMF
Planning: [no details]
Partners: Industry and Academia
Description: Spatial knowledge mapping and georeferencing implementation.
Publications: List of Publications and Lectures

CONTFACT - Content Factor Implementation and Studies

Project: Content Factor Implementation and Studies

Start: 2014
Institution: uDIMF
Planning: [longterm]
Partners: Industry and Academia
Publications: List of Publications and Lectures

Information Science: Knowledge Resources, Multi- and Trans-disciplinary Research

Knowledge in Motion

Project: KiM - Knowledge in Motion

Start: [no details]
Institution: uDIMF
Planning: [longterm]
Partners: Industry and Academia
Description: Innovative knowledge related long-term projects and collaborations.
Keywords: Knowledge; Sciences; Research; Multi-disciplinary Research;
  Knowledge creation and mining, new methodologies and implementations
  for long-term knowledge and data, Big Knowledge and Data creation,
  use, and mining.
  Funded by The uDIMF.
Publications: List of Publications and Lectures

  • Selected Research Grants and Projects (excerpts):
  • 1989 Intelligence Integration
  • 1991 Natural Environment Research, Documentation, and Mapping
  • 2008 Research and Studies Campaign
  • 2011 Knowledge Resources and Cognostics
  • 2013 Association Processing and Computation
  • 2014 Content Factor
  • 2016 Advanced Methododology Integration
  • 2017 Advanced Data Sciences and Mining Methods
  • 2018 Quality of Data and Services
  • 2018 Value of Data
  • 2010 Formalisation
  • 2020 Contextualisation
  • 2021 Structure
  • 2021 Cognstructure
  • 2022 Coherent Conceptual Contextualisation


Project: LX-Project

LX Globe Banner
Start: 1988
Institution: SIAC
Planning: [longterm]
Organization: LX Foundation
Head of Research: Claus-Peter Rückemann, seit 1995 (LX Foundation)
  Member of LX Scientific Board
  Member of LX Executive Commission
Director: Claus-Peter Rückemann, seit 1998
URL: -
Description: The LX-Project is focussed on long-term creation and development of knowledge resources
  and development and application of knowledge creation, documentation, and mining methodologies.
  In general, knowledge can be seen as complementary factual knowledge, conceptual knowledge,
  procedural knowledge, and metacognitive knowledge.
  The first frameworks and modules resulted from the research on natural sciences.
  Meanwhile the LX-Project spans multi-disciplinary multi-lingual knowledge resources
  and modules. The participants are working on theoretical and practical aspects,
  contributing on a variety of content and support, e.g., knowledge documentation,
  workflow procedures, discovery procedures, content and context references, algorithms,
  case studies, and multi-media content. Besides the content, participants are contributing
  research and support on high end computing and storage infrastructures, e.g.,
  for the implementation of data-centric and computing centric implementations and
  providing computing capacities and facilities.
  Research is conducted in distributed project groups and research and study campaigns.
  The project is organising regular research meetings and workgroups.
  The project is long-term funded by the LX Foundation and by the Knowledge in Motion group.
Step: 1988 Start
  1989 lxmain framework
  1989 GISIG Project under LX-Project parent organization
  1990 lxmain
  1996 40 Modules
  1997 Organisation of parallel projects
  1998 Server Upgrade
  1998 Management and coordination of overall tasks
  1998 Cooperation Publishers
  1998 Advisory Council
  1999 Automation and Extensions
  1999 National Sections
  1999 Delegate Germany
  2000 Fusion under parent organization, Münster, Castle
  2001 60 Modules
  2002 Server Upgrade
  2002 Support for research projects
  2004 system upgrades High performance Computing (HPC)
  2004 e-Support
  2005 Statistics
  2005 system upgrades Grid Computing
  2006 Agreement on extending sections
  2007 Planning system upgrades
  2008-01-01 LX 20th Anniversary
  2008 Server Upgrade
  2008 system upgrades Information Systems
  2008 Test Algorithms with HPC + Cluster + Grid Resources
  2009 HPC + Cluster + Grid Computing
  2011 Multi-Disciplinary Applications
  2012 Case studies for knowledge resources and universal classification
  2013 25th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony, Keynote
  2013 Long-term knowledge resources case studies
  2014 Resources and documentation: Conceptual knowledge
  2015 Multi-disciplinary knowledge mining
  2016 Integration of resources
  2017 Comparative Analysis modules
  2019 Multi-disciplinary reference systems
  2020 Coherent contextualisation
  2022 FCPMS Complements
Status: [current]
Description: -
Keywords: Geosciences; Sciences; Research;
  Administration; Management; competence centre; strategical level;
  geophysics; physics; geology; glaciology;
  physics of the atmosphere; volcanology;
  seismics; seismology; polar research;
  mineralogy; geochemistry; petrography;
  economy; industry; exploration;
  natural gas; natural oil; petroleum; environment; ecosystem;
  astronomy; archaeology; history; geography;
  climatology; preservation; oceanography; meteorology;
  computer science; geoinformatics; information technology;
  scientific computing; High Performance Computing; HPC;
  distributed computing; Grid computing

Conceptual and Factual Big Knowledge and Data

Project: Conceptual and Factual Big Knowledge and Data

Start: 2017
Institution: uDIMF
Planning: [longterm]
Partners: Industry and Academia
Description: Knowledge Resources creation, development, and application.
  Application scenarios for the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC).
Publications: List of Publications and Lectures

Archaeo Information Science Research

Archaeo Information Science

Project: Archaeo Information Science

Start: 1987
Planning: [longterm]
Partners: Industry and Academia
Publications: List of Publications and Lectures
Selected Publ.:  

  • Prehistory, Archaeology, and Geosciences; Papers, Presentations, Projects, Tutorials:
    • [Information Science; Algorithms; Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Humanities]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Keynote Lecture/Crete: Contextualisation, Information, Persistence, and Memory in the Gamut of Scientific Disciplines - All-scientists Prevailing Contributions, from Natural Sciences and Prehistorical Archaeology to Humanities, 2024. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Persistence; Memory; Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Humanities; Coherent Conceptual Knowledge]
      Rückemann, C.-P., All-scientists Sustainable Contributions to Multi-disciplinary Insight - Coherent Multi-disciplinary Analysis and Contextualisation: Persistence and Memory, 2024. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Archaeology; Prehistory; Knowledge; Multi-disciplinary Contextualisation; Historico-cultural Contexts]
      Rückemann, C.-P. and Gersbeck, B. F. S., Coherent Multi-disciplinary and Fact-based Contextualisation: Comprehensive Knowledge Complements and Component Frameworks Employed in Prehistorical Archaeology and Historico-cultural Contexts, International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, 2024. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Archaeology; Multi-disciplinary Contextualisation; Abydos; Egypt; Method; Symbolism; Historico-cultural Contexts]
      Rückemann, C.-P., The Abydos Ships Method: New-insight-driven Numeral Systems Approach for Coherent Multi-disciplinary Analysis and Contextualisation, SACINAS 2022, 2024. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Archaeology; Prehistory; Radiocarbon Dating; Multi-disciplinary Research; Contextualisation; Historico-cultural Contexts]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Best Practice `Golden Spike' Result: Radiocarbon Dating Practice, New Methods, Results, and Insights Achieved at The Twelfth Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences, SACINAS 2022, 2024. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Archaeology; Prehistory; Multi-disciplinary Contextualisation; Historico-cultural Contexts]
      Rückemann, C.-P., New Methods, Results, and Insights Achieved at The Twelfth Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences, SACINAS 2022, 2024. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Cultural Heritage; Historico-cultural Contexts; Prehistory; Archaeology; Fact-based Contextualisation]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Allow Knowledge to Prevail: Complements in Information Modelling and Prehistorical Archaeology Cases - Fact-based Contextualisation of Cultural Heritage and Historico-cultural Contexts, 2023.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeological Settlement Infrastructures; Holocene; Scientific Fact-based Methods; Historico-cultural Contexts]
      Rückemann, C.-P., New Survey Results of Archaeological Settlement Infrastructures and Holocene-prehistoric Volcanological Features Based on Methodological Conceptual Multi-disciplinary Contextualisation, 2023. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Cultural Heritage; Historico-cultural Contexts; Prehistory; Archaeology; Fact-based Contextualisation]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Keynote Lecture, BAS: Allow Knowledge to Prevail: Complements in Information Modelling and Prehistorical Archaeology Cases - Fact-based Contextualisation of Cultural Heritage and Historico-cultural Contexts, 2023.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Information Science; Algorithms; Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Humanities]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Keynote Lecture/Crete: Information Science and Algorithm Lore in the Gamut of Scientific Disciplines - All-scientists Prevailing Contributions, from Natural Sciences and Prehistorical Archaeology to Humanities, 2023. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Seven Wonders; Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Humanities; Coherent Conceptual Knowledge]
      Rückemann, C.-P., All-scientists Sustainable Contributions to Multi-disciplinary Insight - Coherent Multi-disciplinary Analysis and Contextualisation: The Seven Wonders of the World Case, 2023. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Humanities; Contextualisation; Coherent Conceptual Knowledge]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Coherent Knowledge Structures and Fusion Practice for Contextualisation Insight in Prehistory and Protohistory, 2023. (Bibliographic data)

    • [LX PSCA Suite; Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Humanities; Contextualisation; Coherent Conceptual Knowledge]
      Rückemann, C.-P., The LX Professional Scientific Creation Academic Suite: Thirty-Five Years of Scientific Excellence, 2023. (Bibliographic data)

    • [LX PSCC Suite; Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Humanities; Contextualisation; Coherent Conceptual Knowledge]
      Rückemann, C.-P., The LX Professional Scientific Content-Context-Suite: Coherent Knowledge - Plethora Ahead, 2023. (Bibliographic data)

    • [ADC; Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Humanities; Contextualisation; Coherent Conceptual Knowledge]
      Rückemann, C.-P., The Archaeological Data Collector: Spanning More Than Three Decades of Multi-disciplinary Collaborative Knowledge Collection, 2023. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistorical Archaeology; Workflow Logic; Holocene; Fact-based Methods; Historico-cultural Contexts]
      Rückemann, C.-P., All-scientists Sustainable Contributions to Multi-disciplinary Insight - Prehistorical Archaeology Discipline's Contextualisation Facts and Workflow Logic: Complements-Components Blueprints for the Creation of Efficient Coherent Multi-disciplinary Conceptual Knowledge-based Discovery, 2023. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistorical Archaeology; Workflow Logic; Holocene; Fact-based Methods; Historico-cultural Contexts]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Prehistorical Archaeology Discipline's Contextualisation Facts and Workflow Logic: Complements-Components Blueprints for the Creation of Efficient Coherent Multi-disciplinary Conceptual Knowledge-based Discovery, 2023. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeological Settlement Infrastructures; Holocene; Scientific Fact-based Methods; Historico-cultural Contexts]
      Rückemann, C.-P., All-scientists Sustainable Contributions to Multi-disciplinary Insight - Advanced Contextualisation Reference Implementation Frameworks in Practice: Coherent Multi-disciplinary Conceptual Knowledge-Spatial Context Discovery Results from the Holocene-prehistoric Volcanological Features and Archaeological Settlement Infrastructure Surveys, 2023. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeological Settlement Infrastructures; Holocene; Scientific Fact-based Methods; Historico-cultural Contexts]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Advanced Contextualisation Reference Implementation Frameworks in Practice: Coherent Multi-disciplinary Conceptual Knowledge-Spatial Context Discovery Results from the Holocene-prehistoric Volcanological Features and Archaeological Settlement Infrastructure Surveys, 2023. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Volcanology; Faceting; Coherent Multi-disciplinary Knowledge; Information Science]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Faceting the Holocene-prehistoric Inventory of Volcanological Features Groups, Towards Sustainable Multi-disciplinary Context Integration in Prehistory and Archaeology Based on the Methodology of Coherent Conceptual Knowledge Contextualisation, International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, 2022. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Volcanology; Faceting; Coherent Multi-disciplinary Knowledge; Information Science]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Component Framework Implementation and Realisation for Development and Deployment of a Coherent Multi-disciplinary Conceptual Knowledge-based Holocene-prehistoric Inventory of Volcanological Features Groups and Faceting, International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, 2022. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Humanities; Coherent Multi-disciplinary Contextualisation]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Keynote Lecture/Crete: Information Science or The Strenuous Path of Dispensation with Hermetics: All-scientists Sustainable Contributions to Contextualisation in Prehistory and Archaeology, 2022.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Egypt; Natural Sciences; Humanities; Coherent Multi-disciplinary Contextualisation]
      Rückemann, C.-P., All-scientists Sustainable Contributions to Multi-disciplinary Insight - The Abydos Ships Method: New-insight-driven Numeral Systems Approach for Coherent Multi-disciplinary Analysis and Contextualisation, 2022.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Insight; Structure; Coherent Multi-disciplinary Knowledge; Information Science]
      Rückemann, C.-P., The Coherent Multi-disciplinary Knowledge Case of Prehistorical Insight: Information Science at the Edge of Structured Data Comprehension, International Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, 2022. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Information Science; Prehistory; Archaeology; Knowledge-based Methods]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Keynote Lecture/Nice, France: Allow Knowledge to Prevail: All-scientists Sustainable Contributions to Multi-disciplinary Scientific Insight, from Prehistory to Future, 2022.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Holocene-prehistoric Inventory; Volcanological Features; Prehistory; Archaeology; Coherent Conceptual Knowledge Contextualisation]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Creating a Holocene-prehistoric Inventory of Volcanological Features Groups: Towards Sustainable Multi-disciplinary Context Integration in Prehistory and Archaeology Based on the Methodology of Coherent Conceptual Knowledge Contextualisation, 2022.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Holocene-prehistoric Inventory; Volcanological Features; Prehistory; Archaeology; Coherent Conceptual Knowledge Contextualisation]
      Rückemann, C.-P., All-scientists Sustainable Contributions to Multi-disciplinary Insight - Procedural Component Framework Implementation and Realisation for Creation of a Multi-disciplinary Coherent Conceptual Knowledge-based Holocene-prehistoric Inventory of Volcanological Features Groups, 2022.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Holocene-prehistoric Inventory; Volcanological Features; Prehistory; Archaeology; Component Framework]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Procedural Component Framework Implementation and Realisation for Creation of a Multi-disciplinary Coherent Conceptual Knowledge-based Holocene-prehistoric Inventory of Volcanological Features Groups, 2022.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Holocene-prehistoric Inventory; Volcanological Features; Prehistory; Archaeology; Component Framework]
      Rückemann, C.-P., All-scientists Sustainable Contributions to Multi-disciplinary Insight - Creating a Holocene-prehistoric Inventory of Volcanological Features Groups: Towards Sustainable Multi-disciplinary Context Integration in Prehistory and Archaeology Based on the Methodology of Coherent Conceptual Knowledge Contextualisation, 2022.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Ptolemaic tomb structures; Rhodes-Rodini Results; Knowledge Complexity and Integration]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Information Science Approaches to Sustainable Structures: Rhodos Case Results From Knowledge and Mining, 2022.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Components; Coherent Multi-disciplinary Contextualisation]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Towards a Component Reference Implementations Frame for Achieving Multi-disciplinary Coherent Conceptual and Chorological Contextualisation in Prehistory and Prehistoric Archaeology, 2021.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Coherent Multi-disciplinary Contextualisation]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Towards Conceptual Knowledge Reference Implementations for Context Integration and Contextualisation of Prehistory's and Natural Sciences' Multi-disciplinary Contexts, 2021.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Odyssey; Odysseus; Caves; Cist Tombs; Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Humanities; Coherent Multi-disciplinary Contextualisation]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Approaches to Coherent Conceptual Knowledge Integration for Prehistory, Archaeology, Natural Sciences, and Humanities: Information Science Based Computation of Structural Knowledge and Spatial Context Information, International Journal on Advances in Software, 2021.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Insight; Structure; Coherent Multi-disciplinary Knowledge; Information Science]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Keynote Lecture/Varna: The Coherent Multi-disciplinary Knowledge Case of Prehistorical Insight: Information Science at the Edge of Structured Data Comprehension, 2021. (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Humanities; Coherent Multi-disciplinary Contextualisation]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Keynote Lecture/Rhodes: Information Science, Knowledge, and Structure: Towards Prehistory's Coherent Multi-disciplinary Contextualisation, 2021.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Humanities; Contextualisation; Coherent Knowledge Structures]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Coherent Knowledge Structures and Fusion Practice for Contextualisation Insight in Prehistory and Protohistory.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Humanities; Contextualisation; Coherent Knowledge Structures]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Information Science's Multi-disciplinary Paragon: Coherent Knowledge Structures and Fusion Practice for Contextualisation Insight in Prehistory and Protohistory.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Humanities; Coherent Conceptual Knowledge; Reference Implementations]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Coherent Knowledge Solutions From Prehistory to Future - Towards Coherent Multi-disciplinary Knowledge Reference Implementation Blueprints for Industrial Learning: Insight from Consistent Coherent Conceptual Integration of Prehistory, Archaeology, Natural Sciences, and Humanities. ML4I - Machine Learning for Industry Forum 2021 hosted by the High-Performance Computing Innovation Center (HPCIC) and Data Science Institute (DSI), at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), U.S.A.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Insight; Structure; Comprehension; Knowledge-based Methods; Information Science]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Keynote Lecture/Varna, BAS: The Multi-disciplinary Case of Prehistorical Insight: Information Science at the Edge of Structured Data Comprehension, 2021.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Geosciences; Spatial Contexts; Chorology; Contextualisation; Coherent Conceptual Knowledge]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Methodology of Chorological and Coherent Conceptual Knowledge Contextualisation: Approaches for Multi-disciplinary Contexts in Prehistory and Archaeology, 2021.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Geosciences; Spatial Contexts; Chorology; Contextualisation; Coherent Conceptual Knowledge]
      Rückemann, C.-P., From Coherent and Inherent Aspects to Insight: Methodology of Chorological and Coherent Conceptual Knowledge Contextualisation: Approaches for Multi-disciplinary Contexts in Prehistory and Archaeology, 2021.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Contextualisation; Coherent Conceptual Knowledge]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Prehistory and Archaeology Employing Levelheaded Coherent Contextualisation: Prehistory's and Natural Sciences' Multi-disciplinary Contexts: Contextualisation and Context Integration Based on Universal Conceptual Knowledge, 2021.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Contextualisation; Coherent Conceptual Knowledge]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Prehistory's and Natural Sciences' Multi-disciplinary Contexts: Contextualisation and Context Integration Based on Universal Conceptual Knowledge, 2021.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Contextualisation; Coherent Conceptual Knowledge]
      Rückemann, C.-P., The Information Science Paragon: Allow Knowledge to Prevail, from Prehistory to Future - Approaches to Universality, Consistency, and Long-term Sustainability, International Journal “Information Models and Analyses”, 2020.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Knowledge, Contextualisation; Parthenon-Nisyros Knowledge Complexity; Acropolis; Archaeology]
      Rückemann, C.-P., From Knowledge and Meaning Towards Knowledge Pattern Matching: Processing and Developing Knowledge Objects Targeting Geoscientific Context and Georeferencing, 2020.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Context Creation; Prehistory; Archaeology; Poseidon; Aegean; Nisyros; Metopes; Parthenon; Phonetics]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Context and Georeferencing of Archaeological, Prehistorical, and Geoscientific Object Entities, Resulting from Integration of Knowledge Resources' Development and Universal Conceptual Knowledge Pattern Matching, 2020.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Information Science; Prehistory; Archaeology; Knowledge-based Methods]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Keynote Lecture/Sofia, BAS: The Information Science Paragon: Allow Knowledge to Prevail, from Prehistory to Future Universality, Consistency, and Long-term Sustainability, 2020.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Universality; Consistency; Sustainability; Prehistory; Archaeology]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Panel/Lisbon: The Information Science Paragon: Approaches to Universality, Consistency, and Long-term Sustainability A Prehistory to Future Case, 2020.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Humanities; Long-term Strategies; Consistency]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Tutorial/Lisbon: Information Science and Inter-disciplinary Long-term Strategies - Key to Insight, Consistency, and Sustainability: Conceptual Knowledge Reference Methodology Spanning: Prehistory, Archaeology, Natural Sciences, and Humanities.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Structure; Prehistory; Archaeology; Natural Sciences; Structure-based Fusion Methodology]
      Rückemann, C.-P., The Impact of Information Science Accompanied Structural Information on Computation of Knowledge Pattern Matching and Processing: A Prehistory, Archaeology, Natural Sciences, and Humanities Conceptual Integration Perspective, 2020.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Structure; Form; Topology; Value; Information Science]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Keynote Lecture/Rhodes: Information Science and Structure: Beware - Ex Falso Quod Libet, 2020.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Ptolemaic tomb structures; Rhodes-Rodini Knowledge Complexity; Archaeology]
      Rückemann, C.-P., From Knowledge to Archaeological, Prehistorical, and Natural Sciences Context - Information Science Approaches to Sustainable Structures: Rhodos Case Results From Knowledge and Mining.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Parthenon-Nisyros Knowledge Complexity, Archaeology]
      Rückemann, C.-P., From Knowledge and Meaning Towards Knowledge Pattern Matching: Processing and Developing Knowledge Objects Targeting Geoscientific Context and Georeferencing, 2020.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Multi-disciplinary Complexity; Archaeology and Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Knowledge Resource Object Development and Mining with a Knowledge-centric Architecture, 2020.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Multi-disciplinary Complexity; Archaeology and Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Superordinate Knowledge Based Comprehensive Subset of Conceptual Knowledge for Practical Mathematical-Computational Scenarios, 2020.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Knowledge-centricity]
      Rückemann, C.-P., A Knowledge-centric Computation Architecture and the Case of Knowledge Mining, 2019.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Marbles, Containers, and Collections in Archaeological Context]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Practice of Formalised Conceptual Knowledge Complements Realising Multi-disciplinary Knowledge Resources for Natural Sciences and Humanities, 2019.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Conceptual Knowledge; Archaeology and Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Superordinate Knowledge Based Comprehensive Subset of Conceptual Knowledge for Practical Geo-spatial Application Scenarios, 2019.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Complex Knowledge Methodology; Archaeology and Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Principles of Superordinate Knowledge: Separation of Methodology, Implementation, and Realisation, 2019.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Universal place georeferencing, place and space]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Methodology of Knowledge Mapping for Arbitrary Objects and Entities: Knowledge Mining and Spatial Representations - Objects in Multi-dimensional Context, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Automated Geolocation Generation; Archaeology and Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Computation and Knowledge Mapping for Data Entities, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Complex Knowledge Development; Archaeology and Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Progressive Advancement of Knowledge Resources and Mining: Integrating Content Factor and Comparative Analysis Methods for Dynamical Classification and Concordances, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Vesuvius sources and objects; Archaeology and Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Comparative Analysis of Data Entities: Knowledge Mining Objects, 2017.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Kaali and Tutankhamun's dagger; material; indicator vegetation; Lilium martagon; criteria integration]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Methodology and Integrated Knowledge for Complex Knowledge Mining: Natural Sciences and Archaeology Case Study Results, 2017.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Vesuvius realia and objects; Archaeology and Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Enhancement of Knowledge Resources and Discovery by Computation of Content Factors, 2016.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Complex Knowledge and Associations; Archaeology and Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Integration of Knowledge Resources and Advanced Association Processing for Geosciences and Archaeology, 2016.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Kameiros Multi-disciplinary Research Insight; Greek Origin of Pozzolane; Archaeology and Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Advanced Association Processing and Computation Facilities for Geoscientific and Archaeological Knowledge Resources Components, 2016.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Advanced Documentation in Archaeology and Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Advanced Scientific Computing and Multi-Disciplinary Documentation for Geosciences and Archaeology Information, 2014.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Sustainable Knowledge Classification; Geosciences; Archaeology; Vesuvius; Pompeji; Venice; Altino]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Long-term Sustainable Knowledge Classification with Scientific Computing: The Multi-disciplinary View on Natural Sciences and Humanities, 2014.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Deployment of Supercomputing in Archaeology and Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., High End Computing Using Advanced Archaeology and Geoscience Objects, 2013.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Supercomputing and Information Systems in Archaeology and Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Sustainable Knowledge Resources Supporting Scientific Supercomputing for Archaeological and Geoscientific Information Systems, 2013.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Supercomputing and Information Systems in Archaeology and Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Dialogue on Sustainable Knowledge Resources Supporting Scientific Supercomputing for Archaeological and Geoscientific Information Systems, 2013.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Natural Sciences and Humanities Dialogue]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Quarter of a Century of Excellence in International Scientific Collaboration - 25 Years LX-Project, 2013.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Archaeology, Prehistory, Geosciences, Tulúm, Kukulkán Pyramid, Sacbé, Cenote Sagrado, Chichén Itzá, Cobá, Museum]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Archaeological and Geoscientific Objects used with Integrated Systems and Scientific Supercomputing Resources, 2013.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Prehistory, Archaeology, Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Prehistory, History, and Archaeology of the Cote d'Azur, Archaeological Museum and Arena, Cimiez, Cote d'Azur, French Riviera, France, 2013.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Computing in Archaeology and Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Advanced Scientific Computing and Multi-Disciplinary Documentation for Geosciences and Archaeology Information, 2013.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Archaeology; Knowledge Resources; Supercomputing]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Enabling Dynamical Use of Integrated Systems and Scientific Supercomputing Resources for Archaeological Information Systems, 2012.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Development of Advanced Methods for Soil Structure Analysis in Geosciences and Archaeology]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Application and High Performant Computation of Fresnel Sections, Halkidiki, Greece, 2011.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Archaeology; Meso-America; Prehistory; Pre-Caribbean Societies]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Archaeology of Meso-America and the Caribbean, Pointe a Pitre, Guadeloupe, F.W.I.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Archaeology, Geology, History]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Geology, Archaeology, History - Plants in the Caribbean Region, Pointe a Pitre, Guadeloupe, F.W.I.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Interdependence of Natural Sciences and Archaeology, Mythology, Geosciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Geology and Mythology: The Interdependence of Natural Sciences and Archaeology for Gaining Insights, Coba, México, 2009.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Archaeology, Information Systems]
      Rückemann, C.-P., High Performance Computing Services for Archaeological and Geoscientific Information Systems, Playa del Carmen, Riviera Maya, México, 2009.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Archaeology; Maya and Earlier Prehistoric Societies; Prehistoric Relics]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Archaeological Periods of the Mayan Society, Chichén Itzá, Yucatan, México, 2009.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Spatial Sciences and Information Systems, Geosciences, Archaeology]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Geographic Grid-Computing and HPC empowering Dynamical Visualisation for Geoscientific Information Systems, Leipzig, Germany, 2007.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Spatial Sciences, Geosciences, and Archaeology]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Beitrag zur Realisierung portabler Komponenten für Geoinformationssysteme. Ein Konzept zur ereignisgesteuerten und dynamischen Visualisierung und Aufbereitung geowissenschaftlicher Daten, Dissertation, Münster, Germany, 2001.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Spatial Sciences and Archaeology]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Geoevent - Introducing and using the geolog Option for the Vectaport viewers (utmviewer, dlgviewer, vpfviewer) for handling a simple database of coordinates and event relations, 1999.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Archaeology]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Attische Klerouchien und hellenistische Katoikien, 1995.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Algorithm Research; Geosciences and Archaeology]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Anwendung verschiedener Stapelmethoden auf gering überdeckende reflexionsseismische Daten aus der Heimefrontfjella, Antarktis, Diplomarbeit, Münster, Germany, 1994.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Development of Methods and Machinery for Near-Surface Analysis in Geosciences and Archaeology]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Physikalische Methoden zur Erforschung oberflächennaher Strukturen im Erdboden: Geophysik, Archäologie, Glaziologie, Geologie, Mai 1993, geotechnica, 5.-8. Mai 1993, Köln, Deutschland, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongreß für Geowissenschaften und Geotechnik, THOR Geophysikalische Prospektion GmbH, Kiel, Deutschland, 1993.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Realia and Abstraction in Archaeology and Natural Sciences]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Presentation of Archaeological Exhibits: Archaeology and Natural Sciences, Museum of the Archaeological Institute Münster, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU), Guided Visit, 1992.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Development of Methods and Machinery for Near-Surface Analysis in Geosciences and Archaeology]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Witte, C., Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Eigenschaften einer Luftschall-Reflexionsseismik-Anlage, Institut für Geophysik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU), 1991.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [History; Geosciences and Archaeology]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Früheste Kulte und Kultstätten: Von Donar bis Dodona, Athens, Greece, 1989.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [History; Geosciences and Archaeology]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Geological and Geophysical Conditions in Delphi, Archaeological Museum, Delphi, Greece, 1989.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [History; Geosciences and Archaeology]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Natural History of the Mediterranean Region, Corfu, Greece, 1989.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Archaeology; Digitisation; Computation]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Processing Scientific Data on High Performance Computing Resources, Ravenna, Italy, 1989.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Archaeology; Ceramics; Styles; Groups]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Mykenische Keramik, WWU, Münster, Germany, 1988.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Archaeology; Sculptures]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Typen römerzeitlicher Bildnisstatuen, WWU, Münster, Germany, 1988.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • [Archaeology; Architecture]
      Rückemann, C.-P., Griechische und römische Baukunst, WWU, Münster, Germany, 1987.
      (Bibliographic data)

The Prehistory and Archaeology Knowledge Archive (PAKA)

Project: Prehistory - Archaeology - The Prehistory and Archaeology Knowledge Archive (PAKA)

Start: 1985
Institution: uDIMF
Planning: [longterm]
Membership: [Contributor]
Description: The Prehistory and Archaeology Knowledge Archive (PAKA).
  License, 1985, (release 1985).
  Unabhängiges Deutsches Institut für Multi-disziplinäre Forschung (DIMF):
  All rights reserved. Rights retain to the contributing creators.
  The Prehistory and Archaeology Knowledge Archive (PAKA).
  License, 2000, (release 2000).
  Unabhängiges Deutsches Institut für Multi-disziplinäre Forschung (DIMF):
  All rights reserved. Rights retain to the contributing creators.
  The Prehistory and Archaeology Knowledge Archive (PAKA).
  License, 2021, (release 2021).
  Unabhängiges Deutsches Institut für Multi-disziplinäre Forschung (DIMF):
  All rights reserved. Rights retain to the contributing creators.
Keywords: Long-term Knowledge Resources;
  Prehistory; Protohistory; Archaeology.
Publications: List of Publications and Lectures
Selected Publ.:  

The International ARS Science and History Network

Project: Archaeology, Research, Science - The International ARS Science and History Network

Start: 1988
Planning: [longterm]
Partners: Industry and Academia
Description: The International ARS Science and History Network is an international organisation,
  founded for fostering the scientific and historical discourse and universitary and
  academic education of national, international, and trans-national scientific research,
  art, informatics, and media. The fields of engagement are focussed on archaeology,
  art history, museum sciences, culture, philosophy, natural sciences, information sciences,
  and knowledge based multi-disciplinary research and include the oevres
  of scientists and creators.
Keywords: International Long-term Multi-disciplinary Knowledge;
  Archaeology; Art History; Culture; Philosophy;
  Scientific Fundaments; Information Sciences.
Publications: List of Publications and Lectures
Selected Publ.:  

  • Papers and Presentations:
    • Rückemann, C.-P., The Endangered Species and the Beneficiaries of Data Protection - Cui Bono?, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Darknet and Its Public Awareness: Is Reputation of Sciences and Technologies Part of a Gambit?, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Computation and Knowledge Mapping for Data Entities, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Progressive Advancement of Knowledge Resources and Mining: Integrating Content Factor and Comparative Analysis Methods for Dynamical Classification and Concordances, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Methodology and Integrated Knowledge for Complex Knowledge Mining: Natural Sciences and Archaeology Case Study Results, 2017.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Integration of Knowledge Resources and Advanced Association Processing for Geosciences and Archaeology, 2016.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Advanced Association Processing and Computation Facilities for Geoscientific and Archaeological Knowledge Resources Components, 2016.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Advanced Scientific Computing and Multi-Disciplinary Documentation for Geosciences and Archaeology Information, 2014.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., High End Computing Using Advanced Archaeology and Geoscience Objects, 2013.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Sustainable Knowledge Resources Supporting Scientific Supercomputing for Archaeological and Geoscientific Information Systems, 2013.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Dialogue on Sustainable Knowledge Resources Supporting Scientific Supercomputing for Archaeological and Geoscientific Information Systems, 2013.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Quarter of a Century of Excellence in International Scientific Collaboration - 25 Years LX-Project, 2013.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Enabling Dynamical Use of Integrated Systems and Scientific Supercomputing Resources for Archaeological Information Systems, 2012.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Application and High Performant Computation of Fresnel Sections, Halkidiki, Greece, 1992.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Archaeological Periods of the Mayan Society, Chichén Itzá, Yucatan, México, 2009.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Geographic Grid-Computing and HPC empowering Dynamical Visualisation for Geoscientific Information Systems, Leipzig, Germany, 2007.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Beitrag zur Realisierung portabler Komponenten für Geoinformationssysteme. Ein Konzept zur ereignisgesteuerten und dynamischen Visualisierung und Aufbereitung geowissenschaftlicher Daten, Dissertation, Münster, Germany, 2001.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Geoevent - Introducing and using the geolog Option for the Vectaport viewers (utmviewer, dlgviewer, vpfviewer) for handling a simple database of coordinates and event relations, 1999.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Attische Klerouchien und hellenistische Katoikien, 1995.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Anwendung verschiedener Stapelmethoden auf gering überdeckende reflexionsseismische Daten aus der Heimefrontfjella, Antarktis, Diplomarbeit, Münster, Germany, 1994.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Physikalische Methoden zur Erforschung oberflächennaher Strukturen im Erdboden: Geophysik, Archäologie, Glaziologie, Geologie, Mai 1993, geotechnica, 5.-8. Mai 1993, Köln, Deutschland, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongreß für Geowissenschaften und Geotechnik, THOR Geophysikalische Prospektion GmbH, Kiel, Deutschland, 1993.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Presentation of Archaeological Exhibits: Archaeology and Natural Sciences, Museum of the Archaeological Institute Münster, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU), Guided Visit, 1992.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Geological and Geophysical Conditions in Delphi, Archaeological Museum, Delphi, Greece, 1989.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Natural History of the Mediterranean Region, Corfu, Greece, 1989.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Processing Scientific Data on High Performance Computing Resources, Ravenna, Italy, 1989.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Mykenische Keramik, WWU, Münster, Germany, 1988.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Typen römerzeitlicher Bildnisstatuen, WWU, Münster, Germany, 1988.
      (Bibliographic data)
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Griechische und römische Baukunst, WWU, Münster, Germany, 1988.
      (Bibliographic data)

Information Science: Sustainable Management, Organisational Structures, and Services

Superordinate Governance and Change Management

Project: Superordinate Governance and Change Management

Start: 1998
Planning: [longterm]
Partners: Industry and Academia
Publications: List of Publications and Lectures
Selected Publ.:  

  • Papers and Presentations:
    • Rückemann, C.-P., Progressive Advancement of Knowledge Resources and Mining: Integrating Content Factor and Comparative Analysis Methods for Dynamical Classification and Concordances, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • Rückemann, C.-P., Methodology Enabling Knowledge Mining Computation Based on Conceptual Knowledge and Verbal Description, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • Rückemann, C.-P., Sustainable Knowledge and Resources Management for Environmental Information and Computation, in: Climate Change Management: Special Topics in the Context of Asia, New York, USA, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • Rückemann, C.-P., Joint International Expert Panel on Quality of Data and Services: Quality of Data and Services, Rome, Italy, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • Rückemann, C.-P., A Knowledge View on Quality of Data and Services: The Grade of Value and its Contemporary Invigoration, Rome, Italy, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • Rückemann, C.-P., Sustainable Knowledge and Resources Management for Environmental Information and Computation, Climate Change Management: Special Topics in the Context of Asia, USA, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • Rückemann, C.-P., High End Resources and Service Groups at Computing Centers: Advanced Scientific Supercomputing and High Performance Computing at the North-German Supercomputing Alliance, Hannover, Germany, 2017.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • Rückemann, C.-P., Keynote Lecture: Allow Knowledge to Prevail: Advanced Computing, Data, Experience, and the Universal Decimal Classification, Venice, Italy, 2017.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • Rückemann, C.-P., Advancing Computing Does Mean Advancing Data Science and Long-term Resources, Venice, Italy, 2017.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • Rückemann, C.-P., High End Resources and Service Groups at Computing Centers, Hannover, Germany, 2016.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • Rückemann, C.-P., Coping with Frailties, Joint International Expert Panel on Urban and Spatial Computing, Venice, Italy, 2016.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • Meridou, D. T., U. Inden, C.-P. Rückemann, C. Z. Patrikakis, D.-T., I. Kaklamani, and I. S. Venieris, Ontology-based, Multi-agent Support of Production Management, Rhodes, Greece, 2016.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • Barros, M. de and C.-P. Rückemann (editors), Proceedings of The Seventh International Conferences on Advanced Service Computing (SERVICE COMPUTATION 2015), Nice, France, 2015.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • Rückemann, C.-P., Managing Big Centers and Providing Mission Critical Services, Paris, France, 2014.
      (Bibliographic data)

International Best Practice Series

Project: Delegates' Summits on Best Practice

Start: 2015
Planning: [longterm]
Partners: Industry and Academia
Description: Series' Topics:
  Best Practice and Definitions of Knowledge and Computing
  Best Practice and Definitions of Data-centric and Big Data
        - Science, Society, Law, Industry, and Engineering
  Best Practice and Definitions of Data Sciences - Beyond Statistics
  Best Practice and Definitions of Data Value
  Best Practice and Definitions of Formalisation and Formalism
  Best Practice and Definitions - Concepts of Cognostic Addressing
        Structured and Non-structured Data
  Best Practice and Definitions - Quality of Knowledge and Quality of Data
  Best Practice and Definitions - Algorithm and Algorithm Signification
Publications: List of Publications and Lectures
Selected Publ.:  

  • Results of Delegates' Summits (Results, Presentations, and References):
    • C.-P. Rückemann and Kovacheva, Z. and Kharchenko, O. and Gersbeck-Schierholz, B. and and Hülsmann, F.; Best Practice and Definitions - Algorithm and Algorithm Signification, Post-Summit Results, Delegates' Summit, Best Practice and Definitions - Algorithm and Algorithm Signification, The (12+1)th Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences (SACINAS), The 21st International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 2023.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • C.-P. Rückemann and Kaloyanova, K. and Kovacheva, Z. and Naydenova, I. and Hülsmann, F. and Gersbeck-Schierholz, B.; Best Practice and Definitions - Quality of Knowledge and Quality of Data, Post-Summit Results, Delegates' Summit, Best Practice and Definitions - Quality of Knowledge and Quality of Data, The Twelfth Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences (SACINAS), The 20th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 2022.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • C.-P. Rückemann and Pavani, R. and Kovacheva, Z. and Gersbeck-Schierholz, B. and Hülsmann, F. and Naydenova, I.; Best Practice and Definitions - Concepts of Cognostic Addressing Structured and Non-structured Data, Post-Summit Results, Delegates' Summit, Best Practice and Definitions - Concepts of Cognostic Addressing Structured and Non-structured Data, The Eleventh Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences (SACINAS), The 19th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), Rhodes, Greece, 2021.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • C.-P. Rückemann and Pavani, R. and Gersbeck-Schierholz and Tsitsipas, A. and Schubert, L. and B.; Hülsmann, F. and Lau, O. and Hofmeister, M.; Best Practice and Definitions of Formalisation and Formalism; Post-Summit Results, Delegates' Summit, The Ninth Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences (SACINAS), The 17th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), Rhodes, Greece, 2019.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • C.-P. Rückemann; Pavani, R.; Schubert, L.; Gersbeck-Schierholz, B.; Hülsmann, F.; Lau, O.; Hofmeister, M.; Best Practice and Definitions of Data Value; Post-Summit Results, Delegates' Summit, The Eighth Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences (SACINAS), The 16th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), Rhodes, Greece, 2018.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • C.-P. Rückemann; Iakushkin, O. O.; Gersbeck-Schierholz, Birgit; Hülsmann, Friedrich; Schubert, Lutz; Lau, Olaf; Best Practice and Definitions of Data Sciences - Beyond Statistics; Post-Summit Results, Delegates' Summit, The Seventh Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences (SACINAS), The 15th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2017.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • C.-P. Rückemann; Kovacheva, Z.; Schubert, L.; Lishchuk, I.; Gersbeck-Schierholz, B.; Hülsmann, F.; Best Practice and Definitions of Data-centric and Big Data - Science, Society, Law, Industry, and Engineering; Post-Summit Results, Delegates' Summit, The Sixth Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences (SACINAS), The 14th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), Rhodes, Greece, 2016.
      (Bibliographic data)

    • C.-P. Rückemann; Hülsmann, F.; Gersbeck-Schierholz, B.; Skurowski, P.; Staniszewski, M.; Best Practice and Definitions of Knowledge and Computing; Post-Summit Results, Delegates' Summit, The Fifth Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences (SACINAS), The 13th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), Rhodes, Greece, 2015.
      (Bibliographic data)

Information Science: Information Systems and Applications

DIUS-Project (NeWIS, MaGer ...)

Project: DIUS

MaGer Banner DIUS Banner
Start: 19920214
Institution: (RRZN, University of Hannover)
Planning: [no details]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: DiuS (current)
  DiuS (local)
  MaGer (local)
  MaGer (Snapshot)
  MaGer (Snapshot)
  MaGer (Snapshot) (CSS)
Step: 19920214 LX search
  19930495 search the Internet (DIUS)
  19940118 NeWIS network-based scientific information system (POST/GET)
  19950503 New should-operator, search should contain strings
  19960308 online recherche and information system
  19990201 meta search Intranet/Internet (DiuS)
  2001-2004 search Intranet/Internet
  20040629 MaGer
  20040712 MaGer CSS
  20050102 Update DiuS
  20050606 DiuS GET replaces MetaGer
  20050622 Toolbar via DiuS GET
Status: [care]
Description: Techniques and methods for information systems and search engines
Keywords: information systems; search engines; meta search engine; uncomplicated


Project: Inkunni

Inkunni Banner
Start: 20031201
Institution: (RRZN, University of Hannover)
Planning: [no details]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: Inkunni
Step: 20031201 inkunni algorithm (first public version)
  20031202 CGI-Interface.
  20031203 Recursive, Net, Auto-HTML ...
  20040801 UTF support
  20050110 fixes ...
Status: [care]
Description: Items accompanying kins of items.
Keywords: correlation; network; lexical


Project: sql-keyw

Start: 20031115 sql-keyw
Institution: (RRZN, University of Hannover)
Planning: [no details]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: [blanked]
Step: 20031105 Extraction.
  20031110 Cache output.
  20031111 Case insensitive.
  20031111 Separation for Use-Cases.
  20031110 Optimization by On-Demand Modularization.
  20031124 Update
  20040110 Update
  20040302 Update
  20040428 Update
  20040824 Update
  20050106 Update
  20050530 Update
Status: [care]
Description: Interface for Information Systems, (semi-automatic)
Keywords: information systems; databases; interface

Configuration Information Systems

Project: Configuration of Information Systems without Cookies et al.

Start: 20021115
Institution: RRZN, University of Hannover
Planning: [no details]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: PerEin Manager (Personal Adjustments)
Step: 20021118 PerEin Manager (first version)
  20021120 PerEin Manager (built in) (HTML)
  20021202 PerEin Manager (JS version, js=off)
  2003 PerEin Manager (extensions)
  2004 PerEin Manager (extensions) (HTML)
  20050304 PerEin Manager (extensions), new validation
  20050616 extensions: engines, wissrank, options, ...
  20060105 (extensions)
Status: [care]
Description: Save MetaGer configuration via bookmarks.
Keywords: configuration; personal adjustments; information system;
  search engine; search engines; MetaGer; development

Information Systems and Thesauri

Project: Information Systems and Thesauri

Start: 20020820
Institution: (RRZN, University of Hannover)
Institution: LX, SIAC
Planning: [no details]
Cooperation: [blanked]
Participating: [blanked]
URL: Interface
  Application example
Step: 20021111
  20030324 Thesaur built in, Results Page (HTML)
  200306 25. DGI Tagung, Frankfurt.
Status: [current]
Description: (Text) (HTML)
  (Text) (HTML)
  (Text) (HTML)
  (Text) (HTML)
  (Text) (PDF)
  (Text) (PDF)
Keywords: information system; thesaurus;
  search engine; search engines; MetaGer; development; DGI

Information Systems and SPAM-Filtering

Project: Information Systems and SPAM Filtering

Start: 20020720
Institution: (RRZN, University of Hannover)
Institution: LX, SIAC
Planning: [no details]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: SPAM-Restrictor and SPAM-Filter
Step: 20020812 5-step SPAM Filter (HTML)
  20020819 SPAM-Restrictor (HTML)
  20020826 new SPAM Filter (HTML)
Status: [care]
Description: (Text)
Keywords: spam; filtering; information system;
  search engine; search engines; MetaGer; development

Information Systems and Phonetic Auxiliaries

Project: Information Systems and Phonetic Auxiliaries

Start: 20020412
Institution: (RRZN, University of Hannover)
Institution: LX, SIAC
Planning: [no details]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: Phonetic Suggestions for MetaGer
Step: 20020826 Phonetic Comparator Part of MetaGer
Status: [care]
Description: (Text)
Keywords: information system; Phonetic Comparator;
  phonetic auxilliaries; suggestions for search;
  search engine; search engines; MetaGer; development

Creation of a Phonetic Lexicon

Project: Creation of a Phonetic Lexicon

Start: 20000912
Institution: (RRZN, University of Hannover)
Institution: LX, SIAC
Planning: [no details]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: cprsndx with phonetic lexicon
  cprsndx with phonetic category lexicon
  cprsndx with phonetic c. l./soft filter edges
Step: 20000912 Categories in LX
  20010224 Preliminary work based on LX
  20020410 first version of Category Lexicon
  20020424 Test Phonetic Comparator/Lexicon
  20020527 extensions Phonetic Comparator/Lexicon
  20020805 Phonetic Category Lexicon/Category Codes
  20020810 new phonetic comparator
Status: [care]
Description: (Text)
Keywords: information system; phonetic category-lexicon;
  search engine; search engines; MetaGer; development

MetaGer, development and operation

Project: MetaGer, development and operation

MetaGer Banner
Start: [no details]
Institution: Project of RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
Planning: [no details]
Author: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: [blanked]
Keywords: various; information system;
  search engine; search engines; MetaGer; development



  • 19970305

  • *allnamed

  • MetaGer Modules, new, changes ...

  • Keyword Advertising

  • key-in-log [blanked]


  • doatweekday

  • 20000502 get-meta complete backup

  • 20000613 ambixe Addresses from Ambix

  • 20000703 nurwochentag

  • 20000717 isweekday

  • 20000919 HTML Validation

  • 20001100 JavaScript Version

  • 20010129 monitorall* watch-diskspace diskcheck cron

  • 20010305

  • Summary of current Logs [blanked]

  • 20010423 korrfeum

  • 20010503 New: First Meta-Search based on DiuS, POST and GET (meta.get).

  • 20010515

  • 20010520 rmblock* Filter

  • 20010528

  • 20010619 Modular version of MetaGer

  • 20010701 ergonomic MetaGer

  • 20011024 Guestbook search gbsearch*.sh

  • 20011113 Help search: jumpsearch.html

  • 20010817 W3C conformity

  • 20011113

  • 20020110 asso-uebergeber
  • 20040202 asso-uebergeber URL-Enc
  • 20050110 asso-uebergeber Update

  • 20020507 browser.* Browser, strings.

  • 20020924 Searching for sound files with MetaGer

  • 20021021 Searching for document files with MetaGer

  • 20030326 Searching for image files with MetaGer

  • 20030716 Results Page (HTML)

  • 20040113 umleinheit*

  • 20040530 Mozilla/Firefox toolbar template (metager.src).

  • 20040530 Mozilla/Firefox toolbar (metager2.src), (full) search.

  • 20040601 Searching for auctions with MetaGer

  • 20040803 Support Toolbar

  • 20040825 utf2iso*

  • 20040907 Hints on doubles

  • 2000-2004 Interfaces, created and cared for: alexana, allesklar, allthedoc, allthepix, allthesound, alltheweb, altavista, atsearch, austronaut, barengoo, blitzsuche, campus-search, crawler, crossbot, datawizard, deja, dino, dmoz, dmozint, ebay, econbiz, espotting, eule, fastbot, fastbot_int, firstsfind, firstsfind_int, forschungsportal, fportal, harvest, hotbot, hotlist, hurrade, infoseek, intersearch, loc (Library of Congress), lycos, mediastreet, metacrawler, mirago, msn, myshopping, netfind, netguide, nhf, onlfav, overture, pepesearch, plaff, qualigo, qualigo-ch, sharelook, speedfind, suchknecht, suchmali, tiborder, tonline, tricus, vondo, walhello, web, wikipedia, wisenut, witch, yahoo, yippy, yippy-de, yippypaid, yoodle, etc.

  • 20041017 New: First Meta-Search Engine based on DiuS, POST and GET (meta.cpr).

  • 20041201 CSS version of MetaGer

  • 20041211 New: First version of MetaGer based on DiuS, POST and GET (meta.gern).

  • 20050208 Support Acute/Grave ...

  • 20050301 Toolbar

  • 20050602 New searching for auctions with MetaGer

  • 20050606 Standard version of MetaGer based on DiuS, POST and GET (meta.gern) (HTML).

  • 20050608 MetaGer Starting pages, examples (HTML) (HTML) (HTML) (HTML) (HTML) (HTML) (HTML)

  • 20050622 MetaGer Mozilla/Firefox toolbar template based on 20040530-template (metager.src).

  • 20050828 Updating.


Project: edcpr

Start: [no details]
Institution: Project of RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
Planning: [no details]
Author: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: [blanked]
Status: [sleeping]
Keywords: various; tool; moduls; information system;
  search engine; search engines; MetaGer; development

  • 20000404 edcpr.tcl, search abilities, GUI

  • 20010828 edcpr.tcl execwget*

  • 20010903 edcpr.tcl platform independent, perl and wish extracted into scripts

  • 20010910 edcpr.tcl redesign using TclPro

  • 20030129 edcpr.tcl modularization execperl

  • 20030310 edcpr.tcl extensions

  • 20030708 edcpr.tcl extensions, show/edit, fold/unfold

  • 20030708 edcpr.tcl several extensions to modify edit window

  • 20030924 edcpr.tcl extensions, menu cascade

  • 20040511 edcpr.tcl extensions, switch highlighting severe cases

MESA, development and operation

Project: MESA, development and operation

Start: [no details]
Institution: Project of RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
Planning: [no details]
Author: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: [blanked]
Status: [sleeping]
Keywords: various; information system;
  search engine; search engines; MESA; e-mail; addresses; development

  • 20011030 MESA Extensions for 7 search engines

  • 20040209 MESA Results Page (HTML) (HTML)

  • 20040210 MESA 7 search engines (HTML) / redesign (HTML) (addresses)

Forschungsportal.Net, development and operation

Project: Forschungsportal.Net, development and operation

Forschungsportal.Net Banner Forschungsportal.Net Banner
Start: [no details]
Institution: Project of RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  (financed by BMBF)
Planning: [no details]
Author: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: [blanked]
Description: Creation of the Science Portal for the
  German Ministry of Education and Research.
Keywords: various; information system;
  search engine; search engines; research; Forschungsportal; development

  • 20010503 Preliminary work

  • 20011002 Creation and handling of vital database for the project

  • 20011002 and others for online texts

  • 20011108 should-operator for search

  • 20021009 Database filter categories, additional columns

  • 20030225 Language detection

  • 20040906 Separate Databases (pdf xls doc ppt tex dvi bib rtf ...) for indexing

  • 20040908 Separation of various Data Formats: bib, cls, deb, doc, dtx, dvi, fig, gif, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, ppt, ps, rpm, rtf, sgml, stat, sty, tar, tex, tgz, txt, xhtml, xls, xml, zip usw.

  • 20040909 Support of various Data Formats (PDF, DOC)

  • 20040915 Support Umlauts

  • 20040922 Support of various Data Formats (TeX/LaTeX DVI)

  • 20040923 Support of various Data Formats (PS)

  • 20040923 Statistics various Data Formats

  • 20041025 Updates URLs

  • 20041027 template support

  • 20041104 - 20050228 Research Portal (Forschungsportal 2nd Edition ) Closing Report (2001-02-15 - 2005-02-28)

  • 20050316 supplementary work

  • 20050408 separate template support

  • 20050413 XHTML DTD

  • 20050420 mehrere URL's

  • 20050520 db2html mode/-Tabs, extensions

  • 20050903 - 20060228 Research Portal (Forschungsportal 2nd Edition ) Closing Report (2001-02-15 - 2006-02-28)

  • 20060721 take over by Ministry of Research (BMBF), contact (HTML)
  • 20060721 take over by Ministry of Research (BMBF), impressum (HTML)

Planning and Creation of an Information System for the Administration of the Medical Institutions

Project: Planning and Creation of an Information System

Start: 1998
Institution: University of Münster
Planning: [no details]
Author: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: (1998-2001: VMEnet - Portal VME Münster)
Step: 1998 Base
  1999 Internet and Intranet, Automation
  2000 Finished, Portal of the Medical Institutions
  2001 (Integration)
  2001 Delivery of operation
Status: [finished]
Description: Planning and Creation of an Information System for
  the Administration of the Medical Institutions
Keywords: information system; planning; realization; internet;
  intranet; automation; Linux; Apache; PHP;
  CGI; SSL; open and free software;
  conceptioning; development; medicine; health;
  medical clinic; hospital; polyclinic;

Virtualisation of Services

Project: Virtualisation of Systems and Services

Start: 1998
Institution: University of Münster
  University of Cologne
Particip. Univ: Münster (WWU); Cologne
Planning: [no details]
Author: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: -
Step: 1998 Services isolated
  1999 Test systems
  2000 compiling, scripting, simulation, modelling,
  provision of virtual systems (OS), automation,
  data processing, image processing, visualisation,
  archiving, hosting, encryption
  2000 Real operational use
  based on Linux, VMWare, wine, dosemu ...
  2000 Delivery of operation
Status: [finished]
Description: Virtualisation of systems and services
  for research and development purposes.
Keywords: virtualisation; virtual systems; services; emulation;
  research; development; visualisation; modelling

Hypertext System for Communication Systems

Project: Hypertext System for Communication Systems

Start: 1994
Institution: University of Münster
Particip. Univ: Münster (WWU); Aachen; Düsseldorf; Bochum; Köln
Planning: [no details]
Author: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: -
Step: 1995 Prototype
  1996 System integration
  1997 Extensions
  1998 Real operational use
  1998 Delivery of operation
Status: [finished]
Description: Development of a portable Hypertext System
  for Communication Systems
Keywords: hypertext-system; communication system;
  information system; portable; development
  Informix; SAP; R5

Development Communication System for Medical Institutions

Project: Development of an Accounting and Communication System for Medical Institutions

Start: 1994
Institution: University of Münster
Particip. Univ: Münster (WWU); Aachen; Düsseldorf; Bochum; Köln
Planning: [no details]
URL: [blanked]
Step: 1994 Base
  2000 Finished
  2000 Delivery of operation
Status: [finished]
Description: Development of an Accounting and Communication System for
  the Medical Institutions.
Keywords: information system; accounting system; communication system;
  development; medicine; health; Informix; C; SAP; R5


Project: TyCorr - Methods for scientific text processing

Start: 1989
Institution: (University of Münster)
Institution: LX, SIAC
Planning: [no details]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: -
Step: 1989 tycorr
  1994 find
  1995 tradrefo
  1997 sci
  1998 DB
  2005 tradrefo
  2006 DB
Status: [current]
Description: -
Keywords: scientific text processing; automation; longterm archiving

Study and Course Group Projects

Project: Study and Course Group Projects - Study, Collaboration, Publication Projects

Start: 1990
Institution: (University of Münster, UH, LUH)
Institution: KiM, uDIMF
Planning: [no details]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: -
Step: 1990 Study and Course Group Projects,
  yearly Study, Collaboration, Publication,
  Project preparation
Status: [current]
Description: Long-term project, yearly project contributions, expenses,
  documentation, publication, exchange, feedback.
Keywords: Information Science; Information Systems; HPC; Algorithms;
  Artificial `Intelligence'; Users / Buyers;
  Research Studies; Surveys; User Studies

High Performance Computing (HPC) / Distributed Computing / Grid Computing

HLRN-I - Norddeutscher Verbund für Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnen

Project: HLRN I

HLRN Banner
Start: [no details]
Institution: RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover /
  HLRN (Norddeutscher Verbund für Hoch- und
Planning: [no details]
Author: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: [blanked]
Status: [current]
Description: Distributed High Performance Computing System at the sites Hannover and Berlin.
  for the northern German states Niedersachsen, Berlin,
  Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schleswig-Holstein.
Keywords: various; HLRN; high performance computer;
  HPC; Distributed High Performance Computing; LoadLeveler; development

  • 20050310 HLRN

  • 20050315 development lsf* LoadLeveler Submit Filter, classes, resources (Rückemann/RRZN, Kallies/ZIB)

  • 20050410 lsf 1.x lsfdoc

  • 20050802 lsf 2.x lsfdoc

  • 20060210 lsf 2.x lsfdoc

  • 200604 Delivery of operation lsf

  • 20060201 - 20070421 LB, LV

  • 20070427 HLRN Accounting 1Q2007, operation planning complexes Hannover+Berlin (Rückemann/RRZN, Götz/ZIB), ZIB, Berlin

  • 2007 International Conference on Grid Service Engineering and Management (GSEM).
    2007 International Conference on Geographic Grid Computing (GGC).
    2007 International Conference on Software, Agents and services for Business, Research, and E-sciences (SABRE).
    Leipzig, Germany.


  • 2007
    C.-P. Rückemann,
    Geographic Grid-Computing and HPC empowering
    Dynamical Visualisation for Geoscientific Information Systems,
    (GSEM/GGC/SABRE) (Lecture)
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Geographic Grid Computing (GGC2007),
    International Conference on Grid Service Engineering and Management (GSEM),
    International Geographic Grid Computing Conference (GGC),
    Software, Agents and services for Business, Research, and E-sciences (SABRE)
    Leipzig, Germany,
    Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI),
    ISSN: 1617-5468,
    ISBN: 978-3-88579-211-6.
    GI-117.jpg gi-117-005.jpg

  • 20070626 - 20070629 HLRN at International Supercomputing Conference (ISC2007), Dresden, Schloß Albrechtsberg

  • 20070718 HLRN Accounting 2Q2007, operation planning complexes Hannover+Berlin (Rückemann/RRZN, Götz/ZIB), RRZN, Hannover

  • 20070903 - 20070905 HLRN infrastructure action, complex Hannover

  • 20070910 - 20070912 HLRN infrastructure action, complex Berlin

  • 20071010 HLRN Accounting 3Q2007, operation planning complexes Hannover+Berlin (Rückemann/RRZN, Götz/ZIB), ZIB, Berlin

  • 20080109 HLRN Accounting 4Q2007, operation planning complexes Hannover+Berlin (Rückemann/RRZN, Götz/ZIB), RRZN, Hannover

  • 20080114 - 20080116 HLRN infrastructure action, Power Supply, complex Hannover

  • 20081001 12:00 h HLRN-I End of Operation, Start Production of HLRN-II.

  • 20081120 HLRN Accounting 2008, Accounting HLRN-I (Rückemann/RRZN, Götz/ZIB), RRZN, Hannover

HLRN II - Norddeutscher Verbund für Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnen

Project: HLRN-II

HLRN-II Inauguration Poster HLRN-II World HLRN Banner
Start: [no details]
Institution: RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover /
  HLRN (Norddeutscher Verbund für Hoch- und
Planning: [no details]
Author: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: [blanked]
Status: [planned]
Step: 2005, 2006 planning RRZN/University of Hannover, ZIB/Berlin
  2007 EU announcement
  200802 Installation Migration System
  200804 Installation
  2010 Final Stage
Description: Distributed High Performance Computing System at the sites Hannover and Berlin.
  for the northern German states Niedersachsen, Berlin,
  Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schleswig-Holstein.
Keywords: various; HLRN; high performance computer; supercomputing
  HPC; Distributed High Performance Computing; High Performance Scientific Computing;
  Scientific Computing;

HLRN III - Norddeutscher Verbund für Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnen

Project: HLRN-III

Start: [no details]
Institution: LUIS, Leibniz University of Hannover /
  HLRN (Norddeutscher Verbund für Hoch- und
Planning: [no details]
Author: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: [blanked]
Status: [planned]
Step: 2009 planning RRZN/University of Hannover, ZIB/Berlin
Description: Distributed High Performance Computing System at the sites Hannover and Berlin.
  for the northern German states Niedersachsen, Berlin, Brandenburg,
  Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schleswig-Holstein.
Keywords: various; HLRN; high performance computer; supercomputing
  HPC; Distributed High Performance Computing; High Performance Scientific Computing;
  Scientific Computing;

  • 2013 HLRN

  • 2013 HLRN - The North-German Supercomputing Alliance: HLRN-III

  • 2014 High Performance Scientific Computing: HLRN-III Resources in the North-German Supercomputing Alliance

  • 2015 The North-German Supercomputing Alliance: Scientific Applications 1

  • 2015 The North-German Supercomputing Alliance: Scientific Applications 2

  • 2015 Design and Implementation of Backup and Recovery Systems for HLRN HPC

  • 2015 High Performance Scientific Computing: HLRN-III Resources in the North-German Supercomputing Alliance

  • 2016 High End Resources and Service Groups at Computing Centers

  • 2017 High End Resources and Service Groups at Computing Centers

  • 2018 HLRN

Coordination M/A/B, D-Grid Integration project (DGI)

Project: Coordination M/A/B, D-Grid Integration project (DGI)

D-Grid Banner D-Grid Banner
Start: [no details]
Institution: RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  (Project financed by BMBF)
Particip. Inst.: RRZN/LUH; LRZ, München; FZK; FhG IAO; UniBwM; LMU
Particip. CG: AstroGrid; C3-Grid; HEP-Grid; InGrid; MediGRID; TextGrid
Planning: [no details]
Project time: 2005-09-01 - 2008-02-29
Coordinator: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: D-Grid Integration project
  Deutschland-Grid (D-Grid)
  Coordination Sections M/A/B D-Grid
  Documents Sections M/A/B D-Grid
  Grid Computing ...
  Links to Grid Computing
  Literature Monitoring/Accounting/Billing
  Bibliography Accounting in Grid Computing
  Bibliography Monitoring in Grid Computing
  Bibliography Billing in Grid Computing
  CGW'06, Cracow, Agenda
  CGW'06, Cracow, Oral Presentations
  CGW'06, Cracow, contribution section Accounting
  CGW'06, Cracow, contribution section Billing
  DGI AHM, DESY, Hamburg
Documents: Important documents till termination setting-up and structuring phase D-Grid sections M/A/B:
  Konzeption eines Grid-Accounting-Systems (PDF)
  Konzeption des D-Grid-Billing-Frameworks (PDF)
  Konzeption einer Grid-Accounting-Architektur (PDF)
  Erste Konzeption des D-Grid-Billing-Frameworks (PDF)
  Bewertung bestehender Billing-Ansätze, Anforderungen an das D-Grid-Billing-Framework (PDF)
  Bewertung bestehender Accounting-Ansätze im Bereich des Grid Computing (PDF)
  Accounting-Ansätze im Bereich des Grid-Computing (PDF)
  Ergebnisse der Studie und Anforderungsanalyse in den
  Fachgebieten Monitoring, Accounting, Billing bei den
  Communities und Ressourcenanbietern im D-Grid (PDF)
  Erhebung zur Studie und Anforderungsanalyse in den Fachgebieten
  Monitoring, Accounting und Billing (M/A/B) im D-Grid (PDF)
Step: 2004 Grid Computing, RRZN, University of Hannover
  2004 D-Grid Integration project (DGI), participaion RRZN, Univ. of Hannover
  2005 D-Grid
  20050901 Start DGI/D-Grid
  20050901 M/A/B, DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20050901 - 20051130 CG-Study on M/A/B
  20050901 - 20051130 WP-Study on M/A/B
  20050908 D-Grid-Plenum-Meeting, Kassel
  20050913 Organizing DGI-Workshop on M/A/B, RRZN, Univ. of Hannover
  20050914 Mailingliste for participans: m a b (at)
  20050914 Archives for participans: www dot listserv dot dfn dot de/archives/mab.html
  20050920 Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20050928 Test systems
  20051004 Video conference on M// - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20051004 Video conference on /A/B - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20051020 Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20051101 Test systems
  20051115 Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20051129 Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20051202 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20051213 Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20051213 Video conference on //B - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20051218 Video conference on M// - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060110 Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060119 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060120 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060125 Sections Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060207 Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060210 Report BMBF (2005-12-31 - 2005-12-31)
  20060217 Test systems
  20060217 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060307 Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060310 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060403 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060404 Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060505 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060509 Sections Video conference on //B - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060516 Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060612 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060613 Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060613 Sections Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060619 Telephone conference on M// - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060619 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060620 Video conference FG2-5 + 2-4 - DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
  20060705 Telephone conference FG2-6, 2-7 + 2-4 - DGI, RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  20060710 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  20060711 Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  20060718 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  20060719 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  20060724 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  20060725 Video conference on //B - DGI, RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  20060808 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  20060808 Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  20060810 Telephone conference on //B - DGI, RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  20060811 Report BMBF (2006-06-01 - 2006-06-30)
  20060821 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  20060901 Termination setting-up and structuring phase, D-Grid sections M/A/B
  Status: All work packages and milestones in all sections have been successfully completed.
  20060901 Monitoring, status (HTML)
  20060901 Accounting, status (HTML)
  20060901 Billing, status (HTML)
  20060901 D-Grid Initiative: documents, status (HTML)
  20060901 Coordination, status (HTML)
  20060901 Contact (see 20070602, too) (HTML)
  20060904 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  20060905 Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  20060926 Telephone conference on /A/ - DGI, RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  20060926 Video conference on M/A/B - DGI, RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  20060926 Coordination terminated and partitioned.
  20061015 - 20061018 Cracow Grid Workshop (CGW'06), Cracow.
  20061120 D-Grid Initiative: documents, status (HTML)
  20061123 - 20061124 DGI Meeting, DESY, Hamburg. Demo of accounting prototype (SGAS).
  20061123 - 20061124 DGI Meeting, DESY, Hamburg. Accounting im D-Grid (PDF).
  20070502 - 20070504 German e-Science Conference (GES2007), Baden-Baden.
  20070602 Coordination, status (HTML)
  20070602 Contact (HTML)
  20070910 - 20070912 D-Grid AHM 2007, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SUB), Göttingen.
  Published D-Grid AHM (HTML)
  20071009 - 20071010 D-Grid Sustainability Workshop (NHWS) 2007,
  Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW), Berlin.
  Published NHWS (HTML)
  200801 Int. Acc. Coop.
Motto: (Jobs)
  The rain it raineth on the just
  And also on the unjust fella,
  But chiefly on the just, because
  The unjust st*als the just's umbrella.
Description: Section FG 2-5 for the D-Grid Integration project (DGI) for
  coordination of sections
  Monitoring FG 2-6, Accounting FG 2-7 and Billing FG 2-8, DGI.
Keywords: grid computing; Deutschland-Grid; D-Grid;
  D-Grid Integration project; DGI;
  coordination; monitoring; acounting; billing;
  Virtual Organisations; VO; security

Monitoring, Section, D-Grid Integration project (DGI)

Project: Monitoring, D-Grid Integration project (DGI)

D-Grid Banner
Start: [no details]
Institution: RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  (Project financed by BMBF)
Planning: [no details]
Project time: 2005-09-01 - 2008-02-29
URL: D-Grid Integration project
  Deutschland-Grid (D-Grid)
  D-Grid Integration project: Monitoring
  Coordination Sections M/A/B D-Grid
  Links to Monitoring
  Literature Monitoring/Accounting/Billing
Step: 20050901 M//, DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
Description: Section FG 2-6 for the D-Grid Integration project (DGI).
Keywords: grid computing; Deutschland-Grid; D-Grid;
  D-Grid Integration project; DGI; monitoring

Accounting, Section, D-Grid Integration project (DGI)

Project: Accounting, D-Grid Integration project (DGI)

D-Grid Banner
Start: [no details]
Institution: RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  (Project financed by BMBF)
Planning: [no details]
Project time: 2005-09-01 - 2008-02-29
URL: D-Grid Integration project
  Deutschland-Grid (D-Grid)
  D-Grid Integration project: Accounting
  Coordination Sections M/A/B D-Grid
  Links to Accounting
  Literature Monitoring/Accounting/Billing
  Bibliography Accounting in Grid Computing
Step: 20050901 /A/, DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
Description: Section FG 2-7 for the D-Grid Integration project (DGI).
Keywords: grid computing; Deutschland-Grid; D-Grid;
  D-Grid Integration project; DGI; acounting

Monitoring, Billing, D-Grid Integration project (DGI)

Project: Billing, D-Grid Integration project (DGI)

D-Grid Banner
Start: [no details]
Institution: RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
  (Project financed by BMBF)
Planning: [no details]
Project time: 2005-09-01 - 2008-02-29
URL: D-Grid Integration project
  Deutschland-Grid (D-Grid)
  D-Grid Integration project: Billing
  Coordination Sections M/A/B D-Grid
  Links to Billing
  Literature Monitoring/Accounting/Billing
Step: 20050901 //B, DGI, RRZN, University of Hannover
Description: Section FG 2-8 for the D-Grid Integration project (DGI).
Keywords: grid computing; Deutschland-Grid; D-Grid;
  D-Grid Integration project; DGI; billing

ZIVGrid Distributed Computing

Project: ZIVGrid Distributed Computing

Start: 2004
Institution: (University of Münster)
Institution: LX, SIAC
Planning: [no details]
Keywords: natural sciences; Distributed Computing; Grid Computing; HPC

ZIVcluster Cluster Computing

Project: ZIVcluster Cluster Computing

Start: 2005
Institution: (University of Münster)
Institution: LX, SIAC
Planning: [no details]
URL: ZIVcluster
Keywords: natural sciences; Distributed Computing; Cluster Computing; HPC



Start: 2009
Institution: (University of Münster)
Institution: LX, SIAC
Planning: [no details]
Keywords: natural sciences; Distributed Computing; Cluster Computing; HPC; SMP


Project: Grid Resource Cluster for Natural Sciences

Start: 1999
Institution: (University of Münster)
Institution: LX, SIAC
Planning: [no details]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: [blanked]
  Literature HPC/Grid Computing (2005)
  Literature HPC/Grid Computing (2008)
  Literature Information Systems, Security, and Computing (2010)
Keywords: natural sciences; grid computing; cluster;
  High Performance Computing; HPC; HPC resources

  • 19990101 Start of project

  • 1999 NDA Talks.

  • 20010101 Database for use on distributed resources

  • 20020101 Test system using distributed resources

  • 20040101 Planning Use of Resource Cluster Architecture

  • 20040601 Development of Algorithms (Physics, Geophysics)

  • 20050101 Load balancing, optimisation of resource usage

  • 20050601 Algorithms Information Systems

  • 20060101 Interactions/database usage

  • 20070925 presented at GSEM/GGC2007 International Conference, Leipzig


Project: Generic:GIS:Grid - G-Resources Interchange Package

Start: 1997
Institution: (University of Münster)
Institution: LX, SIAC
Planning: [no details]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: [blanked]
  Event-driven Visualisation of Geoscientific Data
  Dissertation (in German) (HTML)
  Literature HPC/Grid Computing
  Literature Information Systems, Security, and Computing (2010)
Keywords: natural sciences; grid computing; cluster; resources
  operating systems; runtime archives; byte code;

  • 1997 Core-Archives

  • 1998 dynamical modules

  • 1999 TBC support

  • 2000 SFC

  • 2001 Extensions, runtime archives

  • 2002 Use for commercial applications

  • 2004 Integration AZ databases

Community-Grid GDI-Grid

Project: Community-Grid GDI-Grid

Start: 2006
Institution: RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
Planning: [no details]
URL: [blanked]
Keywords: Geoinformatics; Grid Computing

  • 20060427 planning Grid/geo data (CPR)

  • 20060531 SI-Grid based on Grid-GIS house (CPR)

  • 20060601 Grid: Call-II SI-Grid adaption to Grid-GIS house (CPR+Partner)

  • 20060612 Grid: Verbalisation SI-Grid proposal (CPR)

  • 20060613 Grid: Verbalisation SI-Grid proposal (CPR)

  • 20060614 Grid: SI-Grid-Server: Spezification Accounting and WPOS (CPR)

  • 20060620 Grid: Parts for SI-Grid proposal (CPR+Partner)

  • 20060622 Grid: Parts for SI-Grid proposal (CPR+Partner)

  • 20060621 Grid: SI-Grid Antrag, elektronic system

  • 20060623 Grid: Proposal SI-Grid/GDI-Grid + /A/ //B GAP proposal (CPR)

  • 20060714 Grid: Sketch GDI-Grid GES-GRID2-0011

  • 20061019 Grid: SI-Grid/SIGRID proposal (CPR)

  • 20061020 Grid: SI-Grid proposal internal presentation (CPR)

  • 20061025 Grid: Proposals, Bespr. Lit L3S für WGL (CPR)

  • 20061108 GDI-Grid based on Grid-GIS house (CPR)

  • 20061118 Antrag and literature GDI-Grid (CPR)

  • 20061120 Antrag GDI-Grid


Project: Grid-Niedersachsen Initiative

Start: 2006
Institution: RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
Planning: [no details]
URL: [blanked]
Keywords: Grid Computing

  • 20060624 Concept idea Grid for Niedersachsen (CPR)

  • 20060714 Text Initiative Grid-Niedersachsen (CPR)


Project: Compute-Server

Start: 2006
Institution: RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
Planning: [no details]
URL: [blanked]
Keywords: natural sciences; HPC; SMP

  • 200612 Planning Compute-Server

  • 200612 - 20070104 Erstellung Antrag Compute-Server (Rückemann)

  • 20070105 Antrag Compute-Server (Rückemann)

  • 200710 - 2008 Leistungsbeschreibung Compute-Server (Rückemann)

  • 200710 - 2008 Leistungsverzeichnis Compute-Server (Rückemann)

  • 20080225 Leistungsbeschreibung Compute-Server (Rückemann)

  • 20080225 Leistungsverzeichnis Compute-Server (Rückemann) updated

  • 20080310 Leistungsverzeichnis Compute-Server (Rückemann) updated

  • 20080917 Details installation Compute-Server (Rückemann)

  • 200809 Delivery Compute-Server (Rückemann)

  • 200809 Installation Compute-Server (Rückemann)

  • 200809 Installation/Setup Compute-Server (Rückemann)


Project: SSTACK

SST Banner
Start: 1992
Institution: (University of Münster)
Institution: LX, SIAC
Planning: [midterm]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: -
Step: 1992 sstack ...
  1992 NDA Talks.
  1994 V7
  1997 PtL
  2007 High Performance Computing Algorithm
Status: [sleeping]
Description: -
Keywords: seismics; algorithm; geophysics; data analysis;
  reflection seismics; refraction seismics; sstack;
  High Performance Computing; HPC; vectorization; research
  Gauss-Beam; FD-M; KLT;

Distributed and High Performance Computing Research (DHPCR)

Project: Distributed and High Performance Computing Research (DHPCR)

Start: 2000
Institution: (University of Münster);
  (Leibniz University of Hannover)
Institution: LX, SIAC
Planning: [no details]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann
Status: [current]
Keywords: natural sciences; Distributed Computing; Cluster Computing; HPC;
  Strategical level

  • 2000 Start.

  • 2003 Legal aspects.

  • 2004 NDA Talks.

  • 2004 Accounting and Billing.

  • 2005 LX section.

  • 2007 Parallel Processing.

  • 2009 Loosely Coupled Processing.

  • 2009 C.-P. Rückemann, Accounting and Billing in Computing Environments,
    in: Infonomics for Distributed Business and Decision-Making Environments: Creating Information System Ecology,
    M. Pankowska (ed.),
    Business Science Reference, IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, ISBN: 978-1-60566-890-1, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-890-1, 2009, 365 pages.


  • 2010, 2011 Legal aspects, internationalisation, license models.


Trusted Computing

Project: Trusted Computing for HPC and Grid Computing

ACT@MAP Banner
Start: 1998
Institution: (University of Münster)
Institution: LX, SIAC
Planning: [longterm]
  Literature Informationssysteme und Naturwissenschaften
  Literature Information Systems, Security, and Computing (2010)
Step: 1998 Trusted Computing Framework for Distributed Computing and Storage
  1999 Implementation Sandboxing
  1999 NDA Talks.
  2000 Policies home, javascript, trusted
  2002 Cluster Computing Support
  2005 Grid-Computing Support
  2007 International Conference on Geographic Grid Computing (GGC2007),
  SABRE/GSEM, Leipzig
  GGC2007 International Committee (HTML)
  Proceedings, GI, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI):
  Geographic Grid-Computing and HPC empowering
  Dynamical Visualisation for Geoscientific Information Systems.
  Lecture: (GSEM/GGC/SABRE)
  2008 Test Algorithms with HPC + Cluster + Grid Resources
  2008 High Performance Computing Support
  2009 International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA) DigitalWorld
  2009 Int. Conf. on Advanced Geographic Information Systems & Web Services (GEOWS),
  Cancun, Mexico
  Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Press:
  Using Parallel MultiCore and HPC Systems for Dynamical Visualisation. (Best Paper Award)
  2009 Announcements: Digitalworld 2010 (HTML)
  International Conference on Technical and Legal Aspects of the e-Society (CYBERLAWS 2010),
  DigitalWorld, St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles.
  CYBERLAWS 2010 International Committee (HTML)
  International Conference on
  Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services (GEOProcessing),
  DigitalWorld, St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles.
  GEOProcessing 2010 International Committee (HTML)
  2010 Announcements: Digitalworld 2011 (HTML)
Status: [care]
Keywords: security; trusted computing; policies; Cluster Computing;
  High Performance Computing; HPC; Grid Computing

Intrusion Detection (IDS), RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover

Project: Intrusion Detection (IDS)

Start: [no details]
Institution: RRZN, Leibniz University of Hannover
Planning: [no details]
Author: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: [blanked]
Keywords: various; security;
  intrusion detection; IDS; development

  • 2004 IDS (RRZN, University of Hannover)

  • 2004 snort rule sets

  • 20040719 System documentation + Protocol

  • 20040831 System documentation + Protocol

  • 20041223 System documentation + Protocol

  • 2005 snort rule sets

  • 20050209 System documentation + Protocol

  • 20050414 System documentation + Protocol

  • 20050519 System documentation + Protocol

  • 20050818 System documentation + Protocol

  • 200512 *

  • 200601 *

  • 200601 Delivery of operation

Power Management, Leibniz University of Hannover

Project: Power Management

Institution: Leibniz University of Hannover, RRZN
Author: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: [blanked]
Keywords: power management; security; security concept; USV;
  increase on energy efficiency; computing; operating;
  server concept; automisation; service; hosting; housing

  • 20090114 Status report.

  • 20090119 Security issues.

  • 20090123 Übergreifendes Konzept zur kontrollierten Steuerung der Rechenzentrums-Infrastruktur, Claus-Peter Rückemann

  • 20090220 Status report.

  • 20090224 Agenda for the internal presentation of the concept and requirements.

  • 20090225 Internal presentation of the concept and requirements.

  • 20090302 Internal infrastructure test.

  • 20090304 Internal infrastructure test.

  • 20090306 Status report.

  • 20090311 Internal infrastructure test.

  • 20090318 Status report.

  • 20090323 Status report.

  • 20090406 Status report.

  • 20090420 Status report.

  • 20090424 Status report.

  • 20090504 Internal infrastructure test.

  • 20090505 Internal application issues.

  • 20090522 Licensing issues.

  • 20090526 Implementation concept for RRZN/LUH based on the EnMa research project.

  • 20090602 Presentation offer for RRZN/LUH.

  • 20090616 PoMa Security Concept.

EnMa, Energy and Infrastructure Management for Computing Centres

Project: Energy Management

Partner: IT-Systech, Raritan
Projektleiter: Claus-Peter Rückemann
URL: IT-Systech, Raritan
Keywords: energy management; infrastructure; security; security concept; USV;
  increase on energy efficiency; computing; operating;
  infrastructure; SNMP; IPMI; AES256; PDU;
  research concept; server concept; automisation; service; hosting; housing;
  strategical level

  • 2009 Energy Management.

  • 20090123 Conferencing for an overall concept for a manageable control of computer centre infrastructure

  • 20090226 Ongoing time table with project partners.

  • 20090227 Project conference for research project.

  • 20090311 Project conference.

  • 20090318 Project conference.

  • 20090318 Feasibility study.

  • 200904 Implementation of hardware scenario using USV-Signaling; Management-Server; SNMP; IPMI; AES256; PDU.

  • 20090417 Project conference.

  • 20090421 Project conference.

  • 20090422 Project conference.

  • 20090506 Project conference.

  • 20090511 Project conference.

  • 20090511 Positive Results of feasibility study.

  • 20090520 Concept for modular 2-point and 3-point energy management.

  • 20090520 Successful implementation.

  • 20090524 Proposal concept for RRZN/LUH requirements (PoMa).

  • 20090613 EnMa Security Concept.

  • 20100000 Implementation for a commerical product by the market leader Raritan: PowerIQ.


Project: Planning and Creation of an Information System for the Administration of the Medical Institutions
URL: ...#Creation
Project: Grid Virtual Organisations and Security (VO and Security)
URL: ...#DGI
Project: LX-Project Security Section
URL: ...#LX
Project: Virtualisation of Systems and Services
URL: ...#Virtualisation
Project: Lectures Security of Information Systems / Lecture Notes
URL: Lectures
Project: Bibliography Security of Information Systems
URL: Bibliography Security

Advanced Scientific Computing, Physik, Geosciences, Geophysics, Natural Sciences, Geoinformatics, Polar Research, Climatology

actmap-Project - Dynamical Visualisation/HPC/Grid/GDI

Project: actmap

ACT@MAP Banner
Start: 1996
Institution: (University of Münster)
Institution: LX, SIAC
Planning: [longterm]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann, since 1996
URL: Event-driven Visualisation of Geoscientific Data
  Dissertation (in German) (HTML)
  Dissertation (in German) (PDF)
  Literature Informationssysteme und Naturwissenschaften
  Literature Information Systems, Security, and Computing (2010)
Step: 1996 actmap ...
  NDA Talks.
  1997 Event support
  1998 Object graphics
  1999 Plugins, libraries
  2000 API
  2001 Applications
  2004 Information systems
  2006 Condor, LoadLeveler
  2007 HPC + Grid-Computing
  2007 International Conference on Geographic Grid Computing (GGC2007), SABRE/GSEM, Leipzig
  GGC2007 International Committee (HTML)
  Proceedings, GI, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI):
  Geographic Grid-Computing and HPC empowering
  Dynamical Visualisation for Geoscientific Information Systems.
  Lecture: (GSEM/GGC/SABRE)
  2008 Test Algorithms with HPC + Cluster + Grid Resources
  2009 International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA) DigitalWorld
  2009 Int. Conf. on Advanced Geographic Information Systems & Web Services (GEOWS),
  Cancun, Mexico
  Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Press:
  Using Parallel MultiCore and HPC Systems for Dynamical Visualisation. (Best Paper Award)
  2009 Announcements: Digitalworld 2010 (HTML)
  2010 International Conference on Legal Aspects of the e-Society (CYBERLAWS 2010),
  DigitalWorld, St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles.
  2010 CYBERLAWS 2010 International Committee (HTML)
  2010 International Conference on
  Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services (GEOProcessing),
  DigitalWorld, St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles.
  2010 GEOProcessing 2010 International Committee (HTML)
Status: [care]
Description: Geo-Information-System/Information System
  (Geoscientific Information System, GIS)
  based on a new
  concept for dynamical visualization,
  making it possible to use Object Graphics and Event Data
  in order to realize dynamic cartography
  and to support important aspects of Geocognostics.
  This concept enables the use with WebServers
  and a flexible integration of event databases,
  the combination and und layering of basemaps
  with vector data as well as it empowers the most
  versatile use of the new Autoevents
  that have been designed und implemented for this purpose.
  See also: exemplary case studies using the prototype,
  List of selected parts of the prototype,
  extensions of filenames, literature.
  Historic Screenshots:
ga_send.jpg gaan.jpg gaapda.jpg gactdesk.png gba.jpg gchemlan.jpg
gchtdea.jpg gchtdeb.jpg gchtdex.jpg gcomplot.jpg ggeoleva.jpg ghworld.jpg
glivepl1.jpg glivepl2.jpg gluba.jpg gmsallv.jpg gmsallvg.jpg gnpgto.jpg
gownsym.jpg grepith.jpg gschloss.jpg gsmpedb.jpg gsmpnpae.jpg gsmpns.jpg
gsyntex.jpg gtextlib.jpg        

Objektgraphik: Ereignisgekoppelte Vektordaten und Luftbild.
Objektgraphik: Ereignisgekoppelte Vektordaten und Luftbild.
Objektgraphik: Ereignisgekoppelte Vektordaten, Hintergrundkarte.
Objektgraphik: Ereignisgekoppelte Vektordaten, Hintergrundkarte.
Objektgraphik: Ereignisgekoppelte Vektordaten, Luftbild und Hintergrundkarte.
Objektgraphik: Ereignisgekoppelte Vektordaten, thematische Karte.
Desktop mit einigen actmap Fenstern und Plot mit Funktionen in Kernkomponente.
Objektgraphik: Ereignisgekoppelte Vektordaten, Luftbild, PDA Konfiguration.
Objektgraphik: Ereignisgekoppelte Vektordaten, IPC (X send mit externen Applikation).
Objektgraphik: Ereignisgekoppelte Vektordaten, Text-Overlay mit Ereignissen als Teil der Daten.
Objektgraphik: Ereignisgekoppelte Vektordaten, einfache Ereignisdatenbank.
Objektgraphik: Ereignisgekoppelte Vektordaten, Autoevents.
Objektgraphik: Ereignisgekoppelte Vektordaten, einfacher aufbereiteter Datensatz in Tcl-Plugin in Netscape.
Objektgraphik: Ereignisgekoppelte Vektordaten, 2 autarke dynamische Visualisierungen
    und Einbettung in Kernkomponente.

Objektgraphik: Erstellung und Verwendung eigener Symbole.
Objektgraphik: Synthetisch erzeugte Texturen, Vergleich mit Textur-Palette.
Objektgraphik: Interaktive Darstellung von mehreren Objekten in einem Kontext.
Objektgraphik: Ereignisgekoppelte Vektordaten mit interaktiver Anbindung der actsea Komponente.
Objektgraphik: Textobjekte mit speziellen Effekten aus einer optionalen Erweiterung.
Objektgraphik: Ereignisgekoppelte Vektordaten, Plot von Funktionen in das Canvas der Kernkomponente.
Objektgraphik: Ereignisgekoppelte Vektordaten, Weltkarte sechsfach verkleinert.
Objektgraphik: Beispiel für benutzerdefinierten Report.
Keywords: Geoscientific Information Systems; GIS; geosciences;
  event-driven visualizations; dynamic visualizations;
  concept; event control; dynamic cartography;
  object graphics; object data; event-oriented data;
  event data; event-active objects; scripting languages;
  environmental sciences; archaeology;
  geo data; Spatial Data Infrastructur; SDI;
  High Performance Computing; HPC; Grid Computing;
  source code data; open data; Internet; WSRF; Web Services
  portable components; development; modular;
  unitization; prototype; Tcl/Tk; Perl; GNU; Linux;
  Geo Information System; actmap; API; plugin; byte code;
  security; trusted computing; policies;
  module; application; conceptioning; development;
  research; visualization; 3-D; multimedia; Sound

Event-active National parks

Project: Project Event-active National parks

Start: 1999
Institution: (University of Münster)
Institution: LX, SIAC
Planning: [midterm]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann, since 1999
URL: Examples
Step: 1999 Started from gisig
  2000 Continuation within actmap project
Status: [sleeping]
Description: Geo-Information-System for National Parks
  (Geoscientific Information Systems, GIS)
Keywords: Geoscientific Information Systems; Nationalparke; GIS;
  geosciences; event-driven visualizations; dynamic visualizations;
  concept; event control; dynamic cartography;
  object graphics; object data; event-oriented data;
  event data; event-active objects; scripting languages;
  source code data; open data; Internet;
  portable components; development; modular;
  unitization; prototype; Tcl/Tk; Perl; GNU; Linux;
  Geo Information System; actmap; API; plugin; module;
  application; conceptioning; development;
  research; visualization; 3-D; multimedia; Sound


Project: gisig

ACTMAP GIS Banner GISIG Effect Banner
Start: 1989
Institution: (University of Münster)
Institution: LX, SIAC
Planning: [longterm]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann, since 1996
URL: Geoscientific GUI
Step: 1989 GISIG Project under LX-Project parent organization
  1996 gisig, start of portable implementation
  1998 actmap support
Strategy Board: 1999 - 2012
Status: [sleeping]
Description: Geo-Information-System
  (Geoscientific Information Systems, GIS)
Keywords: Geoscientific Information Systems; GIS; geosciences;
  event-driven visualizations; dynamic visualizations;
  concept; event control; dynamic cartography;
  object graphics; object data; event-oriented data;
  event data; event-active objects; scripting languages;
  source code data; open data; Internet;
  portable components; development; modular;
  unitization; prototype; Tcl/Tk; Perl; GNU; Linux;
  Geo Information System; actmap; API; plugin; module;
  application; conceptioning; development;
  research; visualization; 3-D; multimedia; Sound;
  environment; climatology; preservation; oceanography; meteorology;
  environmental sciences; archaeology;
  Administration; Management; competence centre; strategical level


Project: GEXI - Geo Exploration and Information

sample1 sample2 sample4 sample3 GEXI Banner
Start: 1996
Institution: (WWU)
Institution: LX, SIAC
  1996-2000 GEXI-I
  2000-2004 GEXI-II
  2004-2008 GEXI-III
  2008-2012 GEXI-IV
  2012-2016 GEXI-V
Planning: [longterm]
Status: [current]
Organization: GEXI Consortium
Management: LX, SIAC
Particip. Inst.: [blanked]
Cooperation: [blanked]
Assoc. Proj.: LX-Project, actmap, GISIG, GRIP, DHPCR, Trusted Computing for HPC and Grid Computing,
  ZIVGrid, ZIVcluster, ZIVHPC, ZIVSMP, Condor, D-Grid, HLRN
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann
Managing Director: Claus-Peter Rückemann (GEXI Consoritum)
Strategy Board: 1998 - 2002
  2002 - 2006
  2006 - 2010
  2010 - 2014
Description: Within GEXI, frameworks for the integration of the developments of
  the participating disciplines are developed, tested, and implemented.
  In cooperation with the national, european, and international partners
  from the fields of research, industry, economy and law,
  comprehensive cooperation and development models are analysed
  and tested for the scientific, technical, economic, and legal aspects,
  in order to strengthen the mid- and long-term strategic justification.
  The work is supported since 1997 by the
  Science and High Performance Supercomputing Centre.
  The currently participating cooperation partners and projects
  are working in the following disciplines:
  Scientific Computing.
  Geo-Information-Systems, Geoscientific Information Systems, GIS.
  Decision making environments.
  Information systems and High-End Computing systems.
  Geosciences, environmental sciences, e-Energy and exploration.
  Environmental Sciences, Archaeology.
  Education, free access, e-Learning.
Samples: Studies have been done on:
Step: 1996 Design of future developments ...
  1996 NDA Talks.
  1997 Science and High Performance Supercomputing Centre.
  1999 Cooperation Topics
  1999 non-profit support
  1999 NDA Talks.
  2004 Analysis report 2000-2004.
  2005 int. Cooperation
  2007 GGC2007 International Committee (HTML)
  2007 International Conference on Grid Service Engineering and Management (GSEM).
  2007 International Conference on Geographic Grid Computing (GGC).
  2007 International Conference on Software, Agents and services for
  Business, Research, and E-sciences (SABRE).
  Leipzig, Germany,
  C.-P. Rückemann,
  Geographic Grid-Computing and HPC empowering
  Dynamical Visualisation for Geoscientific Information Systems,
  (GSEM/GGC/SABRE) (Lecture)
  Proceedings of the International Conference on Geographic Grid Computing (GGC2007),
  International Conference on Grid Service Engineering and Management (GSEM),
  International Geographic Grid Computing Conference (GGC),
  Software, Agents and services for Business, Research, and E-sciences (SABRE)
  Leipzig, Germany,
  Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI),
  ISSN: 1617-5468,
  ISBN: 978-3-88579-211-6.
  GI-117.jpg gi-117-005.jpg
  2008 Extending GEXI, new cooperation partners
  2009 Leadership in Research,
  Cancun Conventions Center,
  Cancún, Quintana Roo, México
  2009 International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA) DigitalWorld
  2009 Int. Conf. on Advanced Geographic Information Systems & Web Services (GEOWS),
  Cancun, Mexico
  2009, Using Parallel MultiCore and HPC Systems for Dynamical Visualisation,
  Proceedings of the International Conference on
  Advanced Geographic Information Systems & Web Services (GEOWS 2009),
  IEEE Computer Society Press, IEEE Xplore,
  DOI: 10.1109/GEOWS.2009.14, INSPEC Accession Number 10474575,
  ISBN: 978-0-7695-3527-2,
  (Best Paper Award)
  2009 Best Paper Award. GEOWS Conference.
  IARIA Best Paper Award IARIA logo
  2009 C.-P. Rückemann, Accounting and Billing in Computing Environments,
  in: Infonomics for Distributed Business and Decision-Making Environments:
  Creating Information System Ecology, M. Pankowska (ed.),
  Business Science Reference, IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA,
  ISBN: 978-1-60566-890-1, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-890-1, 2009, 365 pages.
  Ranked 10 out of 10 by Library Journal 2009.
  2008 Best Reference Collection.
  2009 Analysis report 2005-2009.
  2009 Extended Grid-GIS house implementation
  2009 Invited Paper.
  C.-P. Rückemann,
  Dynamical Parallel Applications on Distributed and High Performance Computing Systems,
  International Journal on Advances in Software, volume 2, number 2&3, pages 172-187, 2009,
  International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA),
  Hall, J.G., (ed.) The Open University - Milton Keyes, UK, ISSN: 1942-2628,
  advances_in_software.jpg ijoais_2009.jpg
  2010 CYBERLAWS 2010 International Committee (HTML)
  2010 GEOProcessing 2010 International Committee (HTML)
  2010 International Academy, Research, and Industry Association
  (IARIA) DigitalWorld 2010 (HTML)
  Claus-Peter Rückemann,
  Discussing International Collaboration Management:
  Legal Issues Regarding Distributed and High Performance Computing
  in Geosciences and Exploration,
  St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles.
  2010 International Conf. on Technical and Legal Aspects of the e-Society
  (CYBERLAWS 2010) (HTML), St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles.
  in Geosciences and Exploration,
  Claus-Peter Rückemann,
  Legal Issues Regarding Distributed and High Performance Computing
  in Geosciences and Exploration,
  Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Press.
  2010 Best Paper Award. CYBERLAWS Conference.
  IARIA Best Paper Award IARIA logo
  2010 Invited Paper.
  C.-P. Rückemann,
  Integrating Future High End Computing and Information Systems Using a
  Collaboration Framework Respecting Implementation, Legal Issues, and Security,
  International Journal on Advances in Security, volume 3, number 3&4, pages 91-103, 2010,
  International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA),
  Savola, R., (ed.) VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland,
  ISSN: 1942-2636,
  advances_in_security.jpg ijoais_2010.jpg
  2010 Invited Talk, Expert Panel.
  Digital Society Trends: Challenges of Privacy and Anonymity in the Information Society.
  International Conference on Digital Society (ICDS 2010) / CYBERLAWS 2010 (HTML)
  Claus-Peter Rückemann,
  Privacy and Anonymity for Future Information and Computing Systems
  Considering Economic Aspects.
  Feb. 2010, Maho Beach, St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles.
  2010 Elected IARIA Fellow.
  C.-P. Rückemann has been distinguished with the Grade “IARIA Fellow” of the
  International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA),
  by his contributions for the state of the art improvement in
  High Performance Computing, Information Systems, Distributed Computing,
  and international collaboration. (Press Release, in German)
  2011 DigitalWorld 2011 (HTML)
  2011 GEOProcessing 2011 Committee (HTML)
  2011 Invited Talk, DigitalWorld International Panel.
  DigitalWorld ICDS-GEOProcessing-CYBERLAWS International Panel:
  Privacy Invasion and Protection in Digital Society.
  Int. Conf. on Digital Society (ICDS 2011) / CYBERLAWS 2011 / GEOProcessing 2011 (HTML)
  Claus-Peter Rückemann,
  Securing Privacy for Future Information and Computing Systems.
  Feb. 23-28, 2011, Gosier, Guadeloupe, France.
  INFOCOMP 2011, October 23-28, Barcelona, Spain
  INFOCOMP 2011 in the Media, Upcoming HPC Events:
  2011 INFOCOMP 2011 (HTML)
  2011 INFOCOMP 2011 Committee (HTML)
  C.-P. Rückemann,
  Application and High Performant Computation of Fresnel Sections,
  In: Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences,
  Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on
  Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM)
  September 19-25, 2011, Halkidiki, Greece,
  Proceedings of the American Institute of Physics (AIP),
  AIP Conference Proceedings 1389, Volume 1389, Issue 1,
  Subseries: Mathematical and Statistical Physics,
  pages 1268-1271. AIP Press, 2011,
  ISBN: 978-0-7354-0956-9, DOI: 10.1063/1.3637849
  aip_icnaam_2011.jpg aip_rueckemann_fresnel_sections.jpg
  2011 Best Paper Award. INFOCOMP Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
  IARIA Best Paper Award IARIA logo
  2012 DigitalWorld 2012 (HTML), Valencia, Spain
  2012 GEOProcessing 2012 Committee (HTML)
  2012 CYBERLAWS 2012 Committee (HTML)
  C.-P. Rückemann,
  Supercomputing Resources Empowering Superstack with Interactive and Integrated Systems,
  In: Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences,
  Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on
  Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM)
  September 19-25, 2012, Kos, Greece,
  Proceedings of the American Institute of Physics (AIP),
  AIP Conference Proceedings 1479, Volume 1479, Number 1,
  Subseries: Mathematical and Statistical Physics,
  pages 873-876. AIP Press, 2012,
  ISBN: 978-0-7354-1089-3, DOI: 10.1063/1.4756279
  2012 INFOCOMP 2012 (HTML)
  2012 INFOCOMP 2012 Committee (HTML)
  C.-P. Rückemann (ed.),
  Integrated Information and Computing Systems for Natural, Spatial, and Social Sciences,
  21 chapters, Premier Reference Source, Information Science Reference,
  IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, 2012, 543 (xxiv + 519) pp.,
  DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2190-9, ISBN: 1-4666-2190-7 (hardcover),
  ISBN-13: 978-1-4666-2190-9 (hardcover), EISBN: 978-1-4666-2191-6 (e-book),
  ISBN: 978-1-4666-2192-3 (print & perpetual access),
  LCCN: 2012019278 (Library of Congress),
  Information Resources Management Association (IRMA).
  2012 Best Paper Award. INFOCOMP Conference, Venice, Italy.
  IARIA Best Paper Award IARIA logo
  2013 DigitalWorld 2013 (HTML), Nice, France
  2013 GEOProcessing 2013 Committee (HTML)
  2013 CYBERLAWS 2013 Committee (HTML)
  2013 INFOCOMP 2013 (HTML)
  2013 INFOCOMP 2013 Committee (HTML)
URL: Selection of public research projects:
  dynamical Geoscientific Information Systems
  Legal Frameworks (INSPIRE, GMES, GEOSS ...)
  Project: DHPCR ...#DHPCR
  Project: actmap ...#actmap
  Project: Generic:GIS:Grid - G-Resources Interchange Package ...#GRIP
  Project: Event-active National parks ...#ENP
  Project: gisig ...#gisig
  Project: Trusted Computing ...#trusted_computing
  Project: SSW ...#SSW
Keywords: Legal Frameworks; Collaboration Management;
  Geoscientific Information Systems; GIS; geosciences; Geo-Processing; Visualisation;
  exploration; oil and gas; seismics; tomography; geomagnetics; gravimetry;
  e-Energy; prospection; medical geology; geoforensics;
  Distributed Systems; High Performance Computing; HPC; Grid Computing;
  e-Science; Education; Teaching; free access;
  economic damage; security; international context; SGAS;
  Natural Sciences; HLRN; North-German Supercomputing Alliance;
  High Performance Computing; Cluster Computing; Geo data;
  event-driven visualizations; dynamic visualizations;
  Administration; Management; competence centre; strategical level


Project: SSW-Project

SSW Banner
Start: 1992
Institution: (University of Münster)
Planning: [midterm]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann, seit 1992
URL: -
Step: 1992 ssw ...
  1994 20 Modules
Status: [sleeping]
Description: -
Keywords: seismics; geophysics; data analysis;
  reflection seismics; refraction seismics; ssw;
  Gauss-Beam; FD-M; KLT;
  research; development

LZKNE, Modelling of velocity-time curves for inclined reflectors

Project: Modelling of velocity-time curves for inclined reflectors

Start: 1993
Institution: (University of Münster)
Planning: [midterm]
Author: Claus-Peter Rückemann, since 1993
Step: 1993
Status: [sleeping]
Description: -
Keywords: Geophysics; Modelling; Seismics; Antarctica; Glaciology;
  Geology; Glaciers; Model creation; Modelling techniques;
  Antarctica; ANT VIII/5; Gauss-Beam; FD-M; KLT;
  Computational Fluid Dynamics; CFD; Rheology;


Project: Velocity-Depth-models

Start: 1992
Institution: (University of Münster)
Planning: [midterm]
Step: 1992
Status: [sleeping]
Description: -
Keywords: Geophysics; Modelling; Seismics; Antarctica; Glaciology;
  Geology; Glaciers; Model creation; Modelling techniques;
  Antarctica; ANT VIII/5; Gauss-Beam; FD-M; KLT;
  Computational Fluid Dynamics; CFD; Rheology;

Fresnel Sections, simulation

Project: Fresnel Sections, simulation

Start: 1992
Institution: (University of Münster)
Planning: [midterm]
Project Manager: Claus-Peter Rückemann, since 1992
Step: 1992
Status: [sleeping]
Description: -
Keywords: Geophysics; Modelling; Seismics; Antarctica; Glaciology;
  Geology; Glaciers; Model creation; Modelling techniques;
  Antarctica; ANT VIII/5; Gauss-Beam; FD-M; KLT;
  Simulation; Simulation method;
  Computational Fluid Dynamics; CFD; Rheology;

Modelling of geophysical seismic problems

Project: Modelling of geophysical seismic problems

Start: 1990
Institution: (University of Münster)
Planning: [midterm]
Step: 1990
Status: [sleeping]
Description: Modelling earth's crust, glaciers, ice cap.
Keywords: Geophysics; Modelling; Seismics; Antarctica; Glaciology;
  Geology; Glaciers; Model creation; Modelling techniques;
  Gauss-Beam; FD-M; KLT;
  Computational Fluid Dynamics; CFD; Rheology;

DIFFAM, Simulation of Diffractors and Geometries

Project: Simulation of Diffractors and Geometries

Start: 1993
Institution: (University of Münster)
Planning: [midterm]
Author: Claus-Peter Rückemann, since 1993
Step: 1993
Status: [sleeping]
Description: Travel times and amplitudes of diffractors for
  different geometries.
Keywords: Geophysics; Seismics; Antarctica; Glaciology; Geology;
  Algorithms; Numerics; Simulation; Simulationsmethode


Project: LRS

Start: 1989
Institution: (University of Münster)
Planning: [midterm]
Step: 1989
Status: [sleeping]
Description: -
Keywords: Geophysics; surface waves; ground water

Natural Sciences Research Databases

Project: Natural Sciences Research Databases

Start: 1995
Institution: NZN
Planning: [longterm]
URL: -
Step: 1995 AC
  1997 EX
  1998 CCCA Project
  2004 PP
  2006 AR
  2008 AC migration
  2010 Integrated Systems case studies
  2013 Knowledge resources and containers
  2016 Coherent multi-disciplinary conceptual knowledge complements
  2020 Knowledge models
  2022 Coherent knowledge and components reference implementations
Status: [current]
Description: Natural sciences knowledge,
  natural sciences research subjects.
  Qualification: Education University-Diploma onwards (EQF 7 / EQF 8).
  No Bachelor-, Master-, Magister-, Homework-,
  Ing-, Applied Sciences/FH-subjects.
Keywords: Natural Sciences; database; science; research

CCCA Cooperative

Project: CCCA

Start: 1998
Institution: NZN
Planning: [longterm]
URL: -
  1998 Start, on NZN base
  2006 e-version
Status: [current]
Description: Databases
Keywords: database; science; research; computer science; electronics

Scientific Computing and Information Systems

Project: Scientific Computing and Information Systems

Start: [no details]
Institution: SIAC
  (Project financed by science & industry consortium)
Planning: [longterm]
Management: Claus-Peter Rückemann
Description: Scientific Computing and Information Systems (SCIS).
  International consortial project for interdisciplinary work in the fields of
  natural sciences, mathematics, computer science, and humane disciplines.
Keywords: scientific computing; High Performance Computing; HPC; grid computing;
  Information Systems; natural sciences;
  mathematics; computer science; humane sciences;
  archaeology; historic sciences; historic society;
  concept and perception; context analysis; long term storage; visualisation;


Project: actmap
URL: ...#actmap
Project: Generic:GIS:Grid - G-Resources Interchange Package
Project: Event-active National parks
URL: ...#ENP
Project: gisig
URL: ...#gisig
Project: SSW
URL: ...#SSW

Model computing / Modelling / Simulation

Project: LZKNE, Modelling of velocity-time curves
URL: ...#lzk
Project: Velocity-Depth-models
URL: ...#Velocity-Depth-models
Project: Simulation of Fresnel Sections
URL: ...#FresnelSections
Project: Modelling of geophysical seismic problems
URL: ...#Modelling
Project: DIFFAM, Simulation of Diffractors and Geometries
URL: ...#diffam

Open and free Software

Project: [various projects]
Institution/Organization: GNU
Institution/Organization: Vectaport


[future] : planned
[current] : being worked on
[care] : care and necessary work for use
[sleeping] : currently no priority
[finished] : Work finished.
[blanked] : Information only internal.
[no details] : No further Information available.
[shortterm] : 3 months - 6 months
[midterm] : 6 months - 2 years
[longterm] : > 2 years (open)
[no details] : undetermined


© 1995-2024 Dr. Claus-Peter Rückemann, Hannover, Münster / email [--] / Tel. [--]
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Design: A. Hartung, last change: Mi 18. Sep 21:51:52 CEST 2024