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SoftNet2011 DataSys 2011 Conference Hotel
Sunday, October 23
Monday, October 24
Tuesday, October 25
Wednesday, October 26
Thursday, October 27
Friday, October 28
Saturday, October 29
Special Symposium discussion on “Why should one trust your model” Moderator Speakers: 1. Keynote Speech Teaching Biologists Computational Thinking Using Infectious Disease Modeling and Simulation by Diglio Simoni, RTI International, USA 2. Panel: Pedagogy of Modeling and Simulation: A Scaffolded Approach? Moderator Panelists
ICSEA 2011 ICSEA 1: Agile Software Techniques Software Product Line Agility An Agile Model-Driven Development Approach - A case study in a finance organization A Planning Poker Tool for Supporting Collaborative Estimation in Distributed Agile Development Scrum Maturity Model: Validation for IT organizations’ roadmap to develop software centered on the client role ICSEA 2: Advances in Software Testing I Usage of Robot Framework in Automation of Functional Test Regression An automatic test case selection for stateful Web services Ev-ADA: a simulation driven Evaluation Architecture for Advanced Driving-Assistance systems On the Preliminary Adaptive Random Testing of Aspect-Oriented Programs ICSEA 3: Advances in Software Testing II Devising Mutant Operators for Dynamic Systems Models by Applying the HAZOP Study A Static Robustness Grid Using MISRA C2 Language Rules A Specifications-Based Mutation Engine for Testing Programs in C# ICSEA 4: Software Engineering Techniques, Metrics, and Formalisms I Component-based System Dependency Metrics based on Component Information Flow Measurements Module Interactions for Model-Driven Engineering of Complex Behaviour of Autonomous Robots Case Study for a Quality-Oriented Service Design Process Meta-Model For Global Software Development to Support Portability and Interoperability in Global Software Development ICSEA 5: Advanced Mechanisms for Software Development I A New Approach to Software Development Process With Formal Modeling of Behavior Based on Visualization Non-Functional Requirements for Business Processes in the Context of Service-Oriented Architectures A framework for adapting service-oriented applications based on functional/extra-functional PSW: A framework based tool integration solution for global collaborative software development Feature-Oriented Programing and Context-Oriented Programming: Comparing Paradigm Characteristics by Example Implementations ICSEA 6: Advanced Mechanisms for Software Development II Soft Constraints in Feature Models Feature Modeling of Software as a Service Architecture Adding Support for Hardware Devices to Component Models for Embedded Systems A Service Component Framework for Multi-User Scenario Management in Ubiquitous Environments ICSEA 7: Software Security, Privacy, Safeness I A Graph Based Requrirement Traceability Maintenance Model A Systematic Mapping Study on Patient Data Privacy and Security for Software System Development Impact on the inclusion of security in the UPnP protocol within the Smart Home OntoLog: Using web semantic and ontology for security log analyses ICSEA 8: Software Security, Privacy, Safeness II Intrusion Detection with Symbolic Model Verifier Security Quality Assurance on Web Application On Generating Security Implementations from Models of Embedded Systems ICSEA 9: Specialized Software Advanced Applications Proposals for Ground Shipping High Volume of Data Parameters In Supersampling Unmanned Aircraft Through Radiomodems The Smart Persistence Layer UML-Based Modeling of Non-Functional Requirements in Telecommunication Systems A maintenance approach of a BJI index configuration ICSEA 10: Software Performance Software Cache Eviction Policy based on Stochastic Approach Performance Simulation of a System's Parallelization Evaluation of Load balance Algorithms Position paper: Towards Executable Business Processes with the Problem Oriented Engineering Optimal Functionality and Domain Data Clustering based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation ICSEA 11: Engineering Techniques, Metrics, and Formalisms II Formal Parsing Analysis of Context Free Grammar using Left Most Derivations Functional Complexity Measurement: Proposals and Evaluations Design Patterns for Model Transformations Component-oriented software development with UML ICSEA 12: Engineering Techniques, Metrics, and Formalisms III Metrics in Distributed Product Development Edola: the domain modeling and verification language for PLC systems A Practical Method for the Reachability Analysis of Real-Time Systems Modelled as Timed Automata Reverse Engineering of Graphical User Interfaces ICSEA 13: Engineering Techniques, Metrics, and Formalisms IV Towards Design Method Based on Formalisms of Petri Nets, DEVS, and UML Component composition based on semantical interface automata Method for CMMI-DEV Implementation in Distributed Teams Advanced Object Oriented Metrics for Process Measurement ICSEA 14: Engineering Techniques, Metrics, and Formalisms V Quality Issues in Global Software Development A systematic review of self-adaptation in service-oriented architectures A Formal Specification of G-DTD: A Conceptual Model to Describe XML Documents Formalization of Software Design Quality Metrics ICSEA 15: Open Source Software The E-FOTO project: Development of an Open-Source Educational Digital Photogrammetric Workstation Vitalizing Local ICT-industry by Acceleration of FLOSS-based Software Product Development: A Case Study of the ICT-industry in Okinawa Empirical Case Study of Measuring Productivity of Programming Language Ruby and Ruby on Rails ICSEA 16: Advanced Design Tools for Developing Software I Querying Source Code Using a Controlled Natural Language Towards Complementing User Stories A proposal for a new method evaluation of a deployment infrastructure for component-based S/W engineering A Proof Based Approach for Verifying Composite Service Transactional Behavior ICSEA 17: Advanced Design Tools for Developing Software II Certification of MDA Tools: Vision and Application Automatic Generation of GUI Interfaces from VDM++ Specifications An Approach to Model, Configure and Apply QoS Attributes to Web Services Transformation of Composite Web Service for QoS Extension into ACME\Armani ICSEA 18: Advanced Design Tools for Developing Software III ATL Transformation for the Generation of SCA Model Towards the Development of Integrated Reuse Environments for UML Artifacts An Automated Translation of UML Class Diagrams into a Formal Specification to Detect UML Inconsistencies UML2.0 Profile for Structural and Behavioral specification of SCA architectures ICSEA 19: Software Economics, Adoption, and Education I Process Improvement and Knowledge Sharing in Small Software Companies: A Case Study Choosing a Business Software Systems Development and Enhancement Project Variant on the Virtual Laboratory as a Model for Measuring Understanding Towards Functional and Constructional Perspectives on Business Process Patterns ICSEA 20: Software Economics, Adoption, and Education II Practical Experiences with Software Factory Approaches in Enterprise Software Delivery A "Future-Proof" Postgraduate Software Engineering Programme: Maintainability Issues Using Software Engineering Principles to Develop a Web-Based Application ICSEA 21: Advances in Fundamentals for Software Development I Integrating Reactive Systems Design in Systems of Systems Framework How to Think about Customer Value in Requirements Engineering Migrating Functional Requirements in SSUCD Use Cases to a More Formal Representation KM-SORE (Knowledge Management for Service Oriented Requirements Engineering) ICSEA 22: Advances in Fundamentals for Software Development II Web-Based Focus Groups for Requirements Elicitation Mapping Architecture Concept to SYSML Profile for Product Line Architecture Modeling Exploring Architecture Design Alternatives for Global Software Product Line Engineering Towards CMMI-compliant MDD Software Processes ICSEA 23: Advances in Fundamentals for Software Development III From Boolean Relations to Control Software Software Architecture: Systematic Literature Review Agile Development of Interactive Software by means of User Objectives REfIS : a stage-based methodology for eliciting requirements ICSEA 24: Advances in Fundamentals for Software Development IV A Metamodel for Representing Safety LifeCycle Development Process On the Extensibility of Plug-ins Effective Task Allocation In Distributed Environment: A Traceability Perspective Agile Method for Model-Driven Requirements Engineering ICSEA 25: Advances in Fundamentals for Software Development V Software Requirement Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review Protocol Eliciting SPI Sustainability Success Factors Software Quality Assessment and Error/Defect Identification in the Italian Industry. Preliminary Results from a State of the Practice Survey Revisiting the Requirements Communication Problem from a Knowledge Management Perspective
ICSNC 2011 ICSNC 1: Wireless Networks I Uplink Power Control Based on Evolutionary Algorithm with Associative Memory High Spectrum Efficiency Delay Tolerant Scheduling and Resource Allocation of Diverse Traffics in LTE Networks Self-Adaptive TCP Protocol with Network Coding ICSNC 2: Multimedia Communications Systems I Contents Management Systems using Quality Transition Mode in Video Contents Utilization Services A Practical Implementation of Fountain Codes over WiMAX Networks with an Optimised Probabilistic Degree Distribution The Adaptive Content and Contrast Aware (ACOCOA) Technique for Visible Watermarking Mobile broadband everywhere : the satellite a solution for a rapid and large 3,9G deployment ICSNC 3: Sensor Networks I Backbone Formation Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks A Distributed Cluster-Based Localization Method for Wireless Sensor Networks Experiences in Ensemble Based Decision Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks Dust monitoring systems Evaluation of Adaptive Interference Cancellation in Chirp-Spread-Spectrum based Communication Systems ICSNC 4: Radio-frequency Identification Systems The Relationship Analysis of RFID Adoption and Organizational Performance [POSTER] Providing QoS to Secondary Users Employing VoIP Applications in Cognitive Radio Networks Overcoming EPCGen Class 2 RFID limitations with p-persistent CSMA Incorporating Radio Frequency Identification into the Production Line for Work Flow Improvement ICSNC 5: Wireless Networks II Cross-Layer Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Radio Networks Performance Analysis of Coordinated Base Stations in Multi-cellular Network Using Multistream Transmission and Different Size Cells Design Framework for Heterogeneous Hardware and Software in Wireless Sensor Networks A Fair and Efficient Spectrum Assignment for WiFi/WiMAX Integrated Networks Research on Indoor Visible-Light Communications System with Carrier Interferometry OFDM ICSNC 6: Security Systems A Distributed Group Rekeying Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks GEMOM middleware self-healing and fault-tolerance: a Highway Tolling case study Public key cryptoystems using real and complex numbers Enhancing DNS Security using Dynamic Firewalling with Network Sensors ICSNC 7: Multimedia Communications Systems II An Approach to Estimate Regulatory Performance Scalable Embedded Architecture for High-speed Video Transmissions and Processing Using Coordinated Clients to Improve Live Media Contents Transmissions New Relationships Based Stereo Image Watermarking Algorithm An efficient access control scheme for multimedia content using modified hash chain ICSNC 8: Sensor Networks II Wireless Intelligent Sensor Network with Different Types of Sensors for Universal Use [POSTER] Energy Efficient Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks with Limited Sensing Range Wireless Ad hoc and Sensor Network Underground with Sensor Data in Real-Time On Design of Mobile Agent Routing Algorithm for Information Gain Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks ICSNC 9: High Speed Networks Priority-based Time Slot Assignment Algorithm for Hierarchical Time Sliced Optical Burst Switched Networks Optimization of link capacity for telemedicine applications 20 Gb/s Absolute Polar Duty Cycle Division Multiplexing-Polarization Division Multiplexing (AP-DCDM-PolDM) Transmission System Cooperative Clustered Architecture and Resource Reservation for OBS Networks Performance evaluation of the nanosecond resolution timestamping feature of the enhanced libpcap ICSNC 10: Vehicular Networks Remote Vehicle Diagnostics over the Internet using the DoIP Protocol CoHoN: A Fault-Tolerant Publish/Subscribe Tree-Based Middleware for Robots with Heterogeneous Communication Hardware A Framework for Assessing the Security of the Connected Car Infrastructure Performance Evaluation of Large-Scale Charge Point Networks for Electric Mobility Services
CENTRIC 2011 CENTRIC 1: User-centric Supporting Mechanisms Positive Psychology Centered Online Studies A Study on the Lost Seeking Devices and Systems for Dementia-Patients Service control system based on behavioral characteristics of users multitasking Business Context Information Manager: application to Information Retrieval CENTRIC 2: Centric Views Ethics in distributed tactical operations evaluation Personal information systems: user views and information categorization Diversity in Recommender Systems: Bridging the gap between users and systems A Method to Synthesize 3-Dimensional Face Corresponding to Diverse Words Expressing Facial Features through Mapping and Inspecting Validity of Mapping Function CENTRIC 3: Personalization User Profile Matching: A Statistical Approach Serious Games to Improve the Physical Health of the Elderly: A Categorization Scheme CodeDroid: A Framework to Develop Context-Aware Applications A Personalization Approach Based on Models Integration for a User Interface for Supervisión in a Power Plant
VALID2011 VALID 1: Testing Techniques and Mechanisms I Using Assertion-Based Testing In String Matching Algorithms Modularization in Model-Based Testing Challenges and solutions to implementing automated software testing systems Detecting Equivalent Mutants by Means of Constraint Systems VALID 2: Testing Techniques and Mechanisms II Answer-Set Programming as a New Approach to Event-Sequence Testing A Test Case Suite Generation Framework of Scenario Testing Is Mutation Testing Scalable for Real-World Software Projects? - A Case Study on Eclipse Testing As Services for Component-based Developments VALID 3: Software Verification and Validation A Zone-Based Reachability Analysis of Variable Driven Timed Automata Retrospective Project Analysis Using the EM Clustering Algorithm Extracting and Verifying Viewpoints Models in Multitask Applications Requirements and Solutions for Tool Integration in Software Test Automation RobusTest: Towards a Framework for Automated Testing of Robustness in Software VALID 4: Robust Design Methodologies Simulated Injection of Radiation-Induced Logic Faults in FPGAs Concurent Engineering used to Implement RH Control Model Reconstruction: Mining Test Cases Generic Data Format Approach for Generation of Security Test Data VALID 5: System and Feature Testing A Classification for Model-Based Security Testing Utilizing Domain-Specific Modelling for Software Testing Comparison of off-chip interconnect validation to field failures Software Testing in Critical Embedded Systems: a Systematic Review of Adherence to the DO-
SIMUL2011 SIMUL 1: Simulation Methodologies Stochastic simulation of snow cover The Lambda Chart: A Model of Design Abstraction and Exploration at System-Level A Co-simulation based on ESP-r and Matlab/Simulink to validate Control Implementation in Buildings systems Increase of robustness on pre-optimized procution plans through simulation-based analysis and evaluation SIMUL 2: Distributed Simulation Using Complex Event Processing for Semantically Interoperable Federated Critical Infrastructure Simulation Fault-tolerant Distributed Discrete Event Simulator Based on a P2P Architecture Distributed Simulation of Dense Crowds Distributed Simulation on a Many-Core Processor SIMUL 3: Transport Simulation Simulation of particle deposition in an airplane cabin mockup Traffic and Monotone Random Walk of Particles. Analytical and Simulation Results Tunnel Simulator for Traffic Video Detection Simulation of Urban MObility; An Overview SIMUL 4: Model based System Prediction Mechanisms Controlling the Sensitivity of Amperometric Biosensors in the Case of Substrate and Product Inhibition A Generic Operational Simulation for Early Design Civil Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Traceability Handling in Model-based Prediction of System Quality Modeling and Simulation of Collision Avoidance Behaviour for Computer-Generated Forces Tactical Entities SIMUL 5: Simulation Models I A Simulation-Based Innovation Forecasting Approach Combining the Bass Diffusion Model, the Plaque Classification Fuzzy Model Based on Colors A Multi-Layer Constraint & Decision Support System for Construction Operation SIMUL 6: Simulation Models II White-box Validation of Agent-based Simulation for Population Dynamics in HPC Environment Analysis and Simulation of Power Law Distribution of File Types in File Sharing Systems Simulation hypotheses SimARC: an Ontology-driven Behavioural Model of Alcohol Abuse SIMUL 7: Building Simulation Agent-Based Model (ABM) Validation Considerations Detailed Input data Source for Construction Process Simulation Energy simulation supporting the building design process SIMUL 8: Practical Applications on Process s Simulating Counterinsurgency and Coalition Strategies Simulation of Bacterial Self-Organization in Circular Container Along Contact Line as Detected byBioluminescence Imaging Applying Simulation and Mathematical Programming on a Business Case Analysis for setting up aSpare Part Logistics in the Construction Supply Industry Integrating Current State and Future State Value Stream Mapping with Discrete Event Simulation: A Lean Distribution Case Study SIMUL 9: Simulation Tools and Platforms Review of Spatial Simulation Tools for Geographic Information Systems Towards Internet Scale Simulation Simulation and Sustainability Towards a SDL-DEVS Simulator
AMBIENT 2011 AMBIENT 1: Ambient Computing Context-aware multimodal feedback in a smart environment Context -Aware 3D Gesture Interaction Based on Multiple Kinects A Model for Activity Recognition and Emergency Detection in Smart Environments Environment - Application - Adaptation: a Community Architecture for Ambient Intelligence The Experience Cylinder, an immersive interactive platform
IMMM 2011 IMMM 1: Information mining and management I Mining Epidemiological Data Sources in H1N1 Pandemic Using Probabilistic Graphical Models Comment-guided Learning: Bridging the Knowledge Gap between Expert Assessor and Feature Engineer Data preparation in the MineCor KDD framework Exploiting Background Information Networks to Enhance Bilingual Event Extraction Through Topic Modeling IMMM 2: Information mining and management II Mining Ice Hockey: Continuous Data Flow Analysis Knowledge Management System IMMPETUS (KMSI) - Connoisseur Optimising Parameters for ASKNet: A Large Scale Semantic Knowledge Network Creation System Combining Data Mining Technique and Query Frequencies to Improve Bitmap Join Indexes Selection IMMM 3: Automated retrieval and mining Semi-Automated Semantic Annotation for Semantic Advertising Networks Automatic Link Typing in Scholarly Databases and Encyclopedias Analyzing the Use of Word Graphs for Abstractive Text Summarization IMMM 4: Data management in special environments Improving Email Management A Redundant Bi-Dimensional Indexing Scheme for Three-Dimensional Trajectories Reasoning on High Performance Computing Resources Pervasive Ad hoc Location Sharing To Enhance Dynamic Group Tours IMMM 5: Mining from specific sources Automatic Drug Side Effect Discovery from Online Patient-Submitted Reviews: Focus on Statin Drugs FATS: A Framework for annotation of travel blogs based on subjectivity The Migraine Radar - A Medical Study Analyzing Twitter Messages? Selecting data mining model for web advertising in virtual communities IMMM 6: Mining mechanisms and methods Classification of Time-Interval Sequential Temporal Patterns Large-Scale Association Rule Discovery from Heterogeneous Databases with Missing Values using Genetic Network Programming New Solution for Extracting Inductive Learning Rules and their Post-Analysis An Equivalence Class Based Clustering Algorithm for Categorical Data IMMM 7: Mining tools and applications Exploiting student intervention system using data mining Supporting Global Design Through Data Mining and Localization ArmSquare: an Association Rule Miner Based on Multidimensional Numbered Information Spaces Review of Shape-based Similarity Algorithms and Design Retrieval Methods for Computer-aided Design and Manufacturing IMMM 8: Mining features Mining information retrieval results - Significant IR parameters Mining Literal Correlation Rules from Item sets Designing Cost-Sensitive Fuzzy Classification Systems using Rule-Weight
SOTICS 2011 SOTICS 1: Social evaluation and metrics Mobile Applications for Ethical Consumption - Metrics and Frameworks Why numbers, invites and visits are not enough: Evaluating the user experience in Social Eco-Systems Agricultural Knowledge Transfer via Talking Planter Clothes that Coordinate Your Fashion Based on Previous Choices SOTICS 2: Social applications Discovering Dynamic Logical Blog Communities Based on Their Distinct Interest Profiles Restatement of subjects of design in Engineering as a contribution to the training of engineers with a sustainable approach Automatic question generation to determine roles during a crisis Forging Trust and Privacy with User Modeling Frameworks: An Ontological Analysis Taking into account Tabbed Browsing in Predictive Web Usage Mining SOTICS 3: Challenges in social environments Brave New World? Political participation and new media Exploring Security Risks in Virtual Economies Study of Sociocultural Ontology Catering for Privacy During Requirements Capture in Ubiquitous Computing SOTICS 4: Mechanisms for social services Automatic tracking and control for web recommendation. New approaches for web recommendation Modeling Democratic Elections Via Congestion Networks E_Universities: Using Artificial Intelligence in Teaching Students Information Security Risk Analysis User Semantic Model for Hybrid Recommender System
INFOCOMP 2011 INFOCOMP 1: Advanced Applications I Implementation of Integrated Systems and Resources for Information and Computing Open Access Business Model and Financial Issues Study of the Growth of a New Social Network Platform The SGA Performance: a Comparative Study on the Operators Combination INFOCOMP 2: Advanced Applications II Rotation-oriented Collaborative Air Traffic Management Warfare Simulation and Technology Forecasting in Support of Military Decision Making A flexible suite of software tools for medical image analysis Digital identity-based multisignature scheme implementation INFOCOMP 3: Networks/systems communications A Survey on Connected Dominating Set and its application for Wireless Sensor Network Score Manager Discovery in EigenTrust Using Virtual Magnetic Fields On-the-Fly Routing and Traffic Self-Aggregation Towards Metro-Access Integration Implementation of DDS Listeners on Top of FlexRay Driver INFOCOMP 4: Networks/systems measurement, control and management I Security and Performance Analysis of IPsec-based VPNs in RSMAD Using DRBL to deploy GPU and MPICH2 on green computing Inventory-Based Empty Container Repositioning in a Multi-Port System Sample Average Approximation for Stochastic Empty Container Repositioning INFOCOMP 5: Networks/systems measurement, control and management II Analysis of Video Streaming Performance in Vehicular Networks Vehicle Speed Estimation Using Wireless Sensor Network Testbed architecture for generic, energy-aware evaluations and optimizations Mptrace: Characterizing Physical Memory Usage for CMP Architectures INFOCOMP 6: Large scale and fast computation I Augmented Reality for Urban Simulation Visualization Parallel Computing of EFG Method on DRBL Cluster LZW versus Sliding Window Compression on a Distributed System: Robustness and Communication Self-Organizing the Selection of Migratable Processes on Cluster-of-Clusters Environments INFOCOMP 7: Large scale and fast computation II Min-Sum-Min Message-Passing for Quadratic Optimization Parallel Computing the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) on GPUs: Efficiency and language suitability MPI-based Solution for Efficient Data Access in Java HPC Real-Time Processing and Archiving Strategies INFOCOMP 8: Large scale and fast computing III High performance computing on a network of supercomputers Mantle Convection in a 2D Spherical Shell Constructing Parallel Programs Based on Rule Generators Impact of user concurrency in commonly used OGC map server implementations
MOBILITY 2011 MOBILITY 1: Mobile devices and services I OghmaSip: Peer-to-Peer Multimedia for Mobile Devices An NFC-based customer loyalty system Amazon-on-Earth Library Navigator: Indoor Navigation Using Un-Augmented Mobile Phones Mobile Service Deilivery for the Future Internet MOBILITY 2: Mobile devices and services II Building the bridge towards an open electronic wallet on NFC smartphones Situation-based energy management system A Storyboard-based Mobile Application Authoring Method for End Users Factors’ influence in adoption of m-commerce Mobile Services through Tagging Context and Touching Interaction MOBILITY 3: Mobile Internet of things Context as an IMS Service A Mobile SpeechWeb Browser Motivation for collective action in the smart living business ecosystem MOBILITY 4: Challenges in mobile environments I Mobilizing Enterprise Applications for B2B and B2C: The Need for Hybrid Deployments (POSTER) Extending Friend-to-Friend Computing to Mobile Environments Use of Emerging Mobile Technologies in Portfolio Development A Dynamic Approach for User Privacy Management in Location-based Mobile Services MOBILITY 5: Mobile architectures, mechanisms, protocols I Performance Evaluation of Distributed Application Virtualization Services Using the UMTS Mobility Model A Framework for Data Roving in Ubiquitous Computing Infrastructure Formalisms for Use Cases in Ubiquitous Computing Development of a Context-Aware Information Service System for Mobile Devices MOBILITY 6: Mobile prosumers and interfaces Data Center Workload Analysis in Multi-Source RSMAD’s Test Environment Usability evaluation of iconographic authentication for mobile devices using Eye tracking Meeting the challenge of global mobile phone usability: Design and practices Different Communication Needs between Japan and USA: A comparative analysis on needs of mobile information service MOBILITY 7: Mobile architectures, mechanisms, protocols II Cloud System and Its Applications for Mobile Devices New Scheduler with Call Admission Control (CAC) for IEEE 802.16 Fixed with Delay Bound Guarantee A Hardware Architecture for MAP Decoding Based on Nibble Alignment Digital Signature Platform on Mobile Devices MOBILITY 8: Challenges in mobile environments II SMARTPOS: Accurate and Precise Indoor Positioning on Mobile Phones Balancing High-Load Scenarios with Next Cell Predictions and Mobility Pattern Recognition Real-time Cognitive-Capacity-Sensitive Multimodal Information Exchange for the Cockpit Environment Using Vision-Based Driver Assistance to augment Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network Communication A study on the intention of utilization of health application on mobile services (POSTER) |
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